Namespaces |
namespace | arg_stream |
namespace | detail |
namespace | dictionary_arg_stream_detail |
namespace | fn |
namespace | metrics |
namespace | unsafe |
namespace | version_0 |
namespace | version_1 |
namespace | view_implementation |
Classes |
class | adam_callback_suite_t |
| Callback class for the Adam parser. More...
struct | aggregate_pair |
struct | alert_helper_t |
struct | aligned_storage |
struct | always_true |
struct | any_bidirectional_iterator_instance |
struct | any_bidirectional_iterator_interface |
class | any_iterator |
| An iterator wrapping another iterator of the same element type; a "polymorphic" iterator. More...
struct | any_random_access_iterator_instance |
struct | any_random_access_iterator_interface |
class | asl_cel_format |
class | assemblage_t |
struct | assign |
class | attribute_set_t |
| An associated array based on adobe::token_range_t. A utility class for the xml_parser_t. More...
class | auto_ptr |
| The adobe::auto_ptr<> template adds a number of extensions to std::auto_ptr<> . More...
class | auto_resource |
| The template class auto_resource< X, Traits > provides similar functionality to auto_ptr for resources for which the pointer is opaque refered to by a non-pointer type. More...
class | back_move_iterator |
| Similar to std::back_insert_iterator but with move semantics, for movable types, otherwise with copy semantics. More...
class | bad_cast |
| An exception class thrown during ASL failures to cast. More...
class | basic_bounded_width |
class | basic_format |
class | basic_omanipulator |
class | basic_omanipulator2 |
class | begin_atom |
class | begin_bag |
class | behavior_t |
struct | bidirectional_iter |
struct | binary_compose |
struct | bitpath_t |
class | bitwise_and |
| operator() returns x & y . More...
class | bitwise_or |
| operator() returns x | y . More...
class | bitwise_xor |
| operator() returns x ^ y . More...
struct | button_state_descriptor_t |
struct | button_t |
| Button widget. More...
struct | checkbox_t |
| Checkbox widget. More...
class | child_adaptor |
class | child_iterator |
| An iterator used to traverse the children of a specific node in a forest. More...
class | circular_queue |
| A queue with a fixed capacity which supports putting back elements. Pushing more elements than there is capacity will pop the least recently pushed elements. More...
class | closed_hash_map |
| A hash based associative container. More...
class | closed_hash_set |
| A hash based associative container. More...
struct | closer_predicate |
class | command_system_t |
class | compare_members_t |
| Utility class for adobe::compare_members. More...
class | const_once_name_t |
| Utility wrapper to construct name_t without initializing the string pointer. More...
struct | constructor |
struct | control_button_t |
struct | controller |
struct | controller_model_type |
struct | controller_model_type< adobe::image_t > |
struct | controller_model_type< image_t > |
struct | controller_model_type< poly_controller_t > |
struct | controller_model_type< preview_t > |
struct | ControllerConcept |
struct | ControllerConcept< T * > |
struct | copy_sink |
| copy_sink and move_sink are used to select between overloaded operations according to whether type T is movable and convertible to type U. More...
struct | copyable |
| "Handle" class used in poly<copyable> implementation. More...
class | counter_t |
| A thread safe counter. More...
class | counting_output_iterator |
class | dancing_links |
| An optimized implementation of the 1-cover problem [class under review]. More...
class | dancing_links_t |
class | debounce_t |
| Utility class to short-circuit feedback issues with model-view-controller systems. More...
struct | dec |
| operator-- wrapped in a function object More...
struct | delete_array |
| A function object for type T that invokes delete [] on an array of T . More...
struct | delete_ptr |
| A function object for type T that invokes delete on a T* . More...
struct | delete_ptr_trait< T * > |
struct | delete_ptr_trait< T(*)[]> |
class | depth_fullorder_cursor |
| An iterator-like type for the depth-tracked traversal of a forest. More...
class | depth_fullorder_iterator |
struct | dialog_result_t |
struct | dictionary_arg_stream |
| dictionary_arg_stream implements the arg_stream interface More...
struct | dictionary_arg_stream< Dictionary, InputRange, std::nothrow_t > |
struct | dictionary_arg_stream_base |
struct | dirty_value |
struct | display_compositor_t |
struct | display_number_t |
| Display number view. More...
struct | display_t |
struct | dnd_converter_dest_type |
struct | dnd_converter_source_type |
struct | drag_and_drop_converter |
class | drag_and_drop_handler |
class | drag_and_drop_handler_platform_data |
struct | DragAndDropConverterConcept |
| DragAndDropConverter concept requirement. More...
struct | DragAndDropConverterConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< DragAndDropConverter > > |
struct | dynamic_menu_item_set_view_t |
class | edge_iterator |
| An iterator used to traverse a specific edge type within a forest. More...
struct | edit_number_platform_data_t |
struct | edit_number_t |
| Edit number widget. More...
struct | edit_number_unit_subwidget_t |
struct | edit_text_ctor_block_t |
struct | edit_text_t |
| Edit text widget. More...
struct | element |
struct | element< 0, pair< T1, T2 > > |
struct | element< 0, std::pair< T1, T2 > > |
struct | element< 1, pair< T1, T2 > > |
struct | element< 1, std::pair< T1, T2 > > |
struct | empty_base |
struct | empty_ptr< T * > |
struct | empty_ptr< T(*)[]> |
struct | endian |
struct | endian_swap |
struct | equal_to |
struct | equivalent |
struct | eve_callback_suite_t |
struct | eve_client_holder |
class | eve_t |
| Eve engine. More...
class | event_handler_t |
class | extents_slices_t |
| A utility class for referencing the two slices of a extents_t. More...
class | extents_t |
| An intrinsic geometry class for objects with a graphical representation. More...
class | external_model_t |
struct | factory_token_t |
struct | file_monitor_platform_data_t |
class | file_monitor_t |
struct | file_slurp |
class | filter_fullorder_cursor |
| An iterator-like type for fullorder (pre- and post-order) traversal of a forest. More...
class | filter_fullorder_iterator |
struct | force_relayout_view_adaptor |
class | forest |
| A homogeneous hierarchical structure class. More...
class | format_base |
class | format_element_t |
struct | function_pack_t |
| Container class to unify a collecton of functions under the same function signature.This class will collect registered functions by one of two methods: as functions with named or unnamed arguments. If the former, the function is then invoked with an array_t containing arguments in the order in which they should be passed to the original function. If the latter, the function is invoked with an dictionary_t containing arguments bound to keys that match those required by the function. More...
struct | function_traits< boost::function< F > > |
struct | function_traits< R(&)()> |
struct | function_traits< R(&)(A1)> |
struct | function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2)> |
struct | function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3)> |
struct | function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3, A4)> |
struct | function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)> |
struct | function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> |
struct | function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> |
struct | function_traits< R()> |
struct | function_traits< R(*)()> |
struct | function_traits< R(*)(A1)> |
struct | function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2)> |
struct | function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3)> |
struct | function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4)> |
struct | function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)> |
struct | function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> |
struct | function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1, A2)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3, A4)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)() const > |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)()> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2) const > |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3) const > |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4) const > |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5) const > |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) const > |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) const > |
struct | function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> |
class | generator_t |
| A function object for value generation within a domain. More...
struct | get_element |
struct | get_element< 0, pair< T1, T2 > > |
struct | get_element< 0, std::pair< T1, T2 > > |
struct | get_element< 1, pair< T1, T2 > > |
struct | get_element< 1, std::pair< T1, T2 > > |
struct | greater |
struct | greater_equal |
struct | group_t |
| Group container widget. More...
struct | has_type_type |
| is T::type a valid type (or a compile error?) More...
class | hash_index |
struct | identity |
struct | identity_element |
struct | identity_element< std::multiplies< T > > |
| specialization of identity_element for std::multiplies<T> More...
struct | identity_element< std::plus< T > > |
| specialization of identity_element for std::plus<T> More...
struct | image_button_state_descriptor_t |
struct | image_event_handler_t |
struct | image_t |
| Image widget. More...
struct | inc |
| operator++ wrapped in a function object More...
class | indents |
class | index_iterator |
| An iterator over elements which are the result of applying a function to an index. More...
struct | indirect |
class | indirect_t |
| Adapter used to convert pointers to references. More...
struct | is_convertible |
struct | is_member |
struct | is_movable |
| The is_movable trait can be used to identify movable types. More...
struct | is_movable< copy_on_write< T, A > > |
struct | is_range |
| does T model the boost::range concepts? More...
struct | iter |
class | javascript_format |
struct | key_handler |
struct | keyboard_t |
struct | KeyHandlerConcept |
struct | label_t |
| Label widget. More...
class | layout_attributes_alignment_t |
| A utility class for referencing the alignment characteristics in layout_attributes_t. More...
struct | layout_attributes_placement_t |
class | layout_attributes_t |
| Layout data interface from the client to the engine. More...
struct | less |
struct | less_equal |
class | lex_stream_t |
struct | lex_token_t |
class | line_position_t |
| A type detailing parser position information. More...
struct | link_t |
| Link widget. More...
struct | logical_and |
struct | logical_not |
struct | logical_or |
struct | logical_xor |
| xor funtion object More...
class | manipulator_base |
class | marshaled_exception |
class | md5_t |
| MD5 hash generator. More...
class | mem_data_t |
| Adaptor similar to boost::mem_fn() used by boost::bind . More...
struct | mem_data_t< const T, R > |
class | menu_system_t |
class | message_handler_t |
struct | metric_extractor_t |
| Utility class to access widget metrics for the Macintosh. More...
class | modal_dialog_t |
struct | mouse_in_out_event_handler_t |
class | mouse_in_out_event_tag_t |
struct | mouse_wheel_handler_t |
struct | move_from |
| move_from is used for move_ctors. More...
struct | move_sink |
| move_sink and copy_sink are used to select between overloaded operations according to whether type T is movable and convertible to type U. More...
class | my_class_t |
| A one-line synopsis of what the class does. More...
class | name_t |
| A character string class for immutable strings. More...
class | nearest_cast_fn |
struct | nearest_cast_fn< A, double > |
struct | nearest_cast_fn< A, float > |
struct | not_equal_to |
class | notify_on_write |
struct | null_output_iterator_t |
| A stub iterator that models OutputIterator and outputs nothing. More...
struct | number_formatter_platform_data_t |
struct | number_formatter_t |
struct | optimized_storage_type |
| Authors of adobe::poly concept representatives must derive their instance class from this. See of adobe::poly_placeable_instance, for example. This metafunction is used in the implementation of the small storage optimization. More...
struct | optional_panel_t |
| Optional panel container widget. More...
class | os_exception |
struct | pair |
struct | panel_t |
| Panel container widget. More...
class | pdf_format |
struct | periodical_platform_data_t |
class | periodical_t |
class | place_data_t |
| Layout data interface from the engine to the client. More...
struct | placeable |
| Representative of adobe::PlaceableConcept so that placeable models adobe::PlaceableConcept when T does. More...
struct | placeable_twopass |
struct | PlaceableConcept |
| Concept map and constraints checking for the Placeable concept. More...
struct | PlaceableConcept< T * > |
| Concept map and constraints checking for to allow boost::reference_wrapper<T> to model this concept when T does. More...
struct | PlaceableTwoPassConcept |
| Concept map and constraints checking for the PlaceableTwoPass concept. More...
struct | PlaceableTwoPassConcept< T * > |
| Concept map and constraints checking for to allow boost::reference_wrapper<T> to model this concept when T does. More...
struct | plus_asymmetric |
| plus function object whose arguments may be of different type. More...
struct | point_2d |
struct | pointer_to |
class | pointer_to_ternary_function |
class | poly |
| adobe::poly<foo> will be a runtime polymorphic value type wrapper modelling a concept represented by foo More...
struct | poly_base |
| Authors of a Concept representative F, intended as a template parameter to adobe::poly, will inherit from adobe::poly_base. The first template parameter for adobe::poly_base provides the virtual interface for the concept representative. The second template parameter for adobe::poly_base must inherit from the Concept interface representative. The author's third duty is to provide forwarding functions in a their Concept representative. See the placeable_concept.hpp header file for details. More...
struct | poly_controller_instance |
struct | poly_controller_interface |
struct | poly_copyable_instance |
| Implementation of a trivial poly interface in terms of types modeling Copyable . Used in poly<copyable> implementation. More...
struct | poly_copyable_interface |
| Abstract interface providing signatures needed to implement "handle" objects modeling a Value (Copyable/Movable) concept. Authors of adobe::poly classes must derive their interfaces from this. See adobe::poly_placeable_interface for an example. More...
struct | poly_drag_and_drop_converter_instance |
struct | poly_drag_and_drop_converter_interface |
struct | poly_iterator_instance |
struct | poly_iterator_interface |
struct | poly_key_handler_instance |
struct | poly_key_handler_interface |
struct | poly_placeable_instance |
| Implementation of virtual interface for the poly<placeable> modeling adobe::PlaceableConcept. More...
struct | poly_placeable_interface |
| Pure virtual interface for the poly<placeable> modeling adobe::PlaceableConcept. More...
struct | poly_placeable_twopass_instance |
| Implementation of virtual interface for the poly<placeable_twopass> modeling adobe::PlaceableTwoPassConcept. More...
struct | poly_placeable_twopass_interface |
| Pure virtual interface for poly<placeable_twopass> modeling adobe::PlaceableTwoPassConcept. More...
struct | poly_regular_instance |
| Implementation of a trivial poly interface in terms of types modeling regular . Used in poly<regular> implementation. More...
struct | poly_regular_interface |
| Virtual interface for RegularConcept. Used in poly<regular> implementation. More...
struct | poly_sequence_controller |
struct | poly_sequence_controller_instance |
| poly_ instance for implementations that model the SequenceController concept. More...
struct | poly_sequence_controller_interface |
| poly_ holder for implementations that model the SequenceController concept. More...
struct | poly_sequence_model |
struct | poly_sequence_model_instance |
| poly_ instance for implementations that model the SequenceModel concept. More...
struct | poly_sequence_model_interface |
| poly_ concept for implementations that model the SequenceModel concept. More...
struct | poly_sequence_view |
struct | poly_sequence_view_instance |
| poly_ instance for implementations that model the SequenceView concept. More...
struct | poly_sequence_view_interface |
| poly_ concept for implementations that model the SequenceView concept. More...
struct | poly_view_instance |
| Implementation of poly_view_interface in terms of types modeling ViewConcept . Used in poly<view> implementation. More...
struct | poly_view_interface |
| Virtual interface for ViewConcept. Used in poly<view> implementation. More...
struct | popup_t |
| Popup widget. More...
struct | presets_t |
| Presets widget. More...
struct | preview_t |
| Preview widget. More...
struct | progress_bar_t |
| Progress bar widget. More...
class | promote |
| A struct for compile-time type promotion. More...
struct | promote< aggregate_name_t > |
struct | promote< const char * > |
struct | promote< float > |
struct | promote< int > |
struct | promote< long > |
struct | promote< short > |
struct | promote< static_name_t > |
struct | promote< std::string > |
struct | promote< unsigned int > |
struct | promote< unsigned long > |
struct | promote< unsigned short > |
struct | ptr_traits< auto_ptr< T, Traits > > |
struct | ptr_traits< auto_resource< T, Traits > > |
struct | ptr_traits< std::auto_ptr< T > > |
struct | ptr_traits< T * > |
| This section defines requirements on classes representing pointer traits. The template class ptr_traits< ptrT > is defined along with several specializations. More...
struct | ptr_traits< T(*)[]> |
struct | radio_button_t |
| Radio button widget. More...
struct | random_access_iter |
struct | regular |
| "Handle" class used in poly<regular> implementation. More...
struct | RegularConcept |
struct | resource_context_t |
struct | reveal_t |
| Reveal widget. More...
class | reverse_fullorder_cursor |
| An iterator-like type for reverse fullorder (pre- and post-order) traversal of a forest. More...
class | reverse_fullorder_iterator |
class | rset |
| A bidirectional lookup table intended for a small set of elements. More...
struct | runtime_cast_t |
struct | runtime_cast_t< R, any_regular_t * > |
struct | runtime_cast_t< R, any_regular_t > |
struct | runtime_cast_t< R, auto_ptr< T, Traits > > |
struct | runtime_cast_t< R, auto_resource< T, Traits > > |
struct | runtime_cast_t< R, const any_regular_t * > |
struct | runtime_cast_t< R, const any_regular_t > |
struct | runtime_cast_t< R, std::auto_ptr< T > > |
class | segmented_iterator |
struct | select |
class | selection_t |
| A container used to represent a linear boolean selection. More...
struct | separator_t |
| Separator widget. More...
struct | sequence_controller |
| poly_ holder for implementations that model the SequenceController concept. More...
struct | sequence_controller_value_type |
| SequenceController concept requirement. More...
class | sequence_model |
struct | sequence_model_base |
| poly_ holder for implementations that model the SequenceModel concept. More...
struct | sequence_model_demultiplexer |
struct | sequence_model_key_type |
| SequenceModel concept requirement. More...
struct | sequence_model_multiplexer |
struct | sequence_model_value_type |
| SequenceModel concept requirement. More...
class | sequence_t |
| A function object for sequence generation within a domain. More...
struct | sequence_view |
| poly_ holder for implementations that model the SequenceView concept. More...
struct | sequence_view_cow_value_type |
struct | sequence_view_demultiplexer_t |
struct | sequence_view_key_type |
| SequenceView concept requirement. More...
struct | sequence_view_multiplexer |
struct | sequence_view_value_type |
struct | SequenceControllerConcept |
| SequenceController concept requirement. More...
struct | SequenceControllerConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< T > > |
struct | SequenceModelConcept |
| SequenceModel concept requirement. More...
struct | SequenceModelConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< T > > |
struct | SequenceViewConcept |
| View concept for sequences. More...
struct | SequenceViewConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< T > > |
struct | set_monitor_t |
| Adam support class. More...
class | sha1_t |
| A bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm. More...
class | sha224_t |
| A bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-224 Secure Hash Algorithm. More...
class | sha256_t |
| A bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm. More...
class | sha384_t |
| A bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-384 Secure Hash Algorithm. More...
class | sha512_t |
| A bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-512 Secure Hash Algorithm. More...
class | sheet_t |
| The fundamental data structure for the Property Model engine. More...
struct | short_name |
struct | slider_t |
| Slider widget. More...
class | splitter_controller_adaptor |
class | static_name_t |
| Utility wrapper to construct name_t with strings of static storage duration. More...
class | static_table |
| A simple lookup table of fixed size. [under review]. More...
class | static_table_traits |
| A traits class for use with adobe::static_table. More...
class | step_iterator_adaptor |
| step iterator adaptor More...
struct | str_less_t |
class | stream_error_t |
| An exception class thrown during parsing failures. More...
class | string16_t |
| Lightweight string class designed to hold UTF16 strings in fixed binary structure. More...
class | string_t |
| Lightweight string class designed to hold UTF8 strings in fixed binary structure. More...
class | sublayout_t |
struct | tab_group_t |
| Tab group container widget. More...
class | table_index |
| Utility class for indexing objects based on specific member variable values. More...
struct | ternary_function |
class | timer_t |
struct | toggle_t |
| toggle widget More...
struct | transposer |
struct | type_or_default |
struct | unary_compose |
struct | unit_t |
struct | uuid_t |
class | value_iterator |
class | value_range_format_t |
struct | view |
| "Handle" class used in poly<view> implementation. More...
struct | view_model_type |
struct | view_model_type< adobe::image_t > |
struct | view_model_type< image_t > |
struct | view_model_type< preview_t > |
struct | ViewConcept |
struct | ViewConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< T > > |
class | virtual_machine_t |
struct | visible_change_queue_t |
struct | vm_lookup_t |
class | widget_factory_t |
struct | widget_node_t |
class | window_server_t |
struct | window_t |
| Window container widget. More...
class | xml_format |
class | xml_parser_t |
| A relatively lightweight and simple xml (subset) parser. More...
class | xstring_context_t |
| Scope-based runtime context stack for glossary lookups. More...
class | zuid_t |
| UUID-like identifier generator. More...
Typedefs |
typedef boost::function< bool(name_t,
const any_regular_t &)> | action_callback_t |
typedef version_1::any_regular_t | any_regular_t |
typedef version_1::vector
< any_regular_t > | array_t |
typedef adobe::auto_resource
< ::CFStringRef > | auto_cfstring_t |
typedef adobe::auto_resource
< ::ControlRef > | auto_control_t |
typedef boost::function
< eve_callback_suite_t::position_t(const
&parent, name_t name,
dictionary_t arguments)> | bind_layout_proc_t |
typedef basic_bounded_width
< char, std::char_traits< char > > | bounded_width |
typedef boost::function< void(const
any_regular_t &, const
dictionary_t &)> | button_hit_proc_t |
typedef boost::function< void(name_t
action, const any_regular_t &)> | button_notifier_t |
typedef std::vector
< button_state_descriptor_t > | button_state_set_t |
typedef struct
__lame_cg_image_wrapper_t * | cg_image_t |
typedef version_1::closed_hash_map | closed_hash_map |
typedef version_1::closed_hash_set | closed_hash_set |
< name_t, any_regular_t > | dictionary_t |
typedef boost::function
< any_regular_t(const
dictionary_t &)> | dnd_flavor_extractor_proc_t |
typedef forest< dictionary_t > | element_forest_t |
typedef boost::function< void(std::string)> | error_handler_proc_t |
typedef boost::function< void(const
file_monitor_path_type &path,
file_monitor_event_t what)> | file_monitor_callback_t |
typedef boost::filesystem::path | file_monitor_path_type |
typedef std::vector< int > | guide_set_t |
typedef std::vector
< image_button_state_descriptor_t > | image_button_state_set_t |
typedef token_range_t( | implementation_xml_element_proc_t )(const token_range_t &entire_element_range, const token_range_t &name, const attribute_set_t &attribute_set, const token_range_t &value) |
typedef long | intptr_t |
typedef long | key_type |
typedef ::WindowRef | keyboard_handler_type |
typedef bool( | keyword_extension_lookup_proc_signature_t )(const name_t &) |
typedef boost::function
< keyword_extension_lookup_proc_signature_t > | keyword_extension_lookup_proc_t |
typedef pair< forest
< dictionary_t >, vector
< dictionary_t > > | layout_assembly_t |
typedef boost::function
< std::string(const
std::string &)> | localization_lookup_proc_t |
typedef boost::function
< dictionary_t()> | model_snapshot_proc_t |
typedef boost::function< void(const
dictionary_t &locale_data)> | monitor_locale_proc_t |
typedef boost::function< void(long,
bool)> | mouse_wheel_handler_proc_t |
typedef void_ * | null_ptr_t |
typedef bool | once_flag |
typedef std::pair< int, int > | pair_long_t |
typedef ::HIViewRef | platform_display_type |
typedef point_2d< int > | point_2d_t |
typedef poly< controller > | poly_controller_t |
typedef poly
< drag_and_drop_converter > | poly_drag_and_drop_converter_t |
typedef poly< key_handler > | poly_key_handler_t |
typedef poly< placeable > | poly_placeable_t |
typedef poly< placeable_twopass > | poly_placeable_twopass_t |
typedef boost::function< void(const
any_regular_t &, modifiers_t)> | popup_extended_setter_type |
typedef boost::function< void(const
any_regular_t &)> | popup_setter_type |
typedef vector< dictionary_t > | sheet_assembly_t |
typedef pair< name_t,
any_regular_t > | stream_lex_token_t |
typedef struct thread_id_opaque_t * | thread_id_t |
typedef std::pair< uchar_ptr_t,
uchar_ptr_t > | token_range_t |
typedef std::vector< name_t > | touch_set_t |
typedef const unsigned char * | uchar_ptr_t |
typedef unsigned long | uintptr_t |
typedef boost::function< void()> | verb_t |
typedef basic_bounded_width
< wchar_t, std::char_traits
< wchar_t > > | wbounded_width |
typedef boost::function
< widget_node_t(name_t
widget_type, const
dictionary_t ¶meters,
const widget_node_t &parent,
const factory_token_t &token)> | widget_factory_proc_t |
typedef boost::function< bool()> | window_close_proc_t |
typedef boost::function< void(long,
long)> | window_resize_proc_t |
typedef boost::function
< implementation_xml_element_proc_t > | xml_element_proc_t |
Enumerations |
enum | { bitpath_first_child,
} |
enum | { forest_trailing_edge,
} |
enum | display_options_t { dialog_display_s,
} |
enum | file_monitor_event_t { file_monitor_contents_changed_k,
} |
enum | modifiers_t {
} |
enum | pb_style_t { pb_style_progress_bar_s,
} |
enum | pb_style_t { pb_style_progress_bar_s,
} |
enum | size_enum_t {
} |
enum | slider_style_t {
} |
enum | theme_t {
} |
enum | window_attributes_t {
} |
enum | window_modality_t { window_modality_none_s,
} |
enum | window_reposition_t { window_reposition_center_s,
} |
enum | window_style_t { window_style_moveable_modal_s,
} |
Functions |
template<typename InputRange , typename T > |
T | accumulate (const InputRange &range, T init) |
template<typename InputIterator , typename T , typename BinaryOperation > |
T | accumulate (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<typename InputRange , typename T , typename BinaryOperation > |
T | accumulate (const InputRange &range, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<typename I , typename Op > |
std::iterator_traits< I >
::value_type | add_to_counter (I f, I l, Op op, ADOBE_VALUE_TYPE(I) x, ADOBE_VALUE_TYPE(I) z=adobe::identity_element< Op >()()) |
template<typename InputRange , typename OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | adjacent_difference (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result) |
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator , typename BinaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | adjacent_difference (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<typename InputRange , typename OutputIterator , typename BinaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | adjacent_difference (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<class ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | adjacent_find (ForwardRange &range) |
template<class ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | adjacent_find (const ForwardRange &range) |
template<class ForwardIterator , class BinaryPredicate > |
ForwardIterator | adjacent_find (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class ForwardRange , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange >::type | adjacent_find (ForwardRange &range, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class ForwardRange , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange >::type | adjacent_find (const ForwardRange &range, BinaryPredicate pred) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::CFDictionaryRef, typeCFDictionaryRef) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::CFMutableArrayRef, typeCFMutableArrayRef) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::CFMutableDictionaryRef, typeCFMutableDictionaryRef) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::CFMutableStringRef, typeCFMutableStringRef) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::CFStringRef, typeCFStringRef) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::ControlPartCode, typeControlPartCode) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::DragRef, typeDragRef) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::EventMouseWheelAxis, typeMouseWheelAxis) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::EventTargetRef, typeEventTargetRef) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::HICommand, typeHICommand) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::SInt32, typeLongInteger) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::TabletPointRec, typeTabletPointRec) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::TabletProximityRec, typeTabletProximityRec) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (::WindowRef, typeWindowRef) |
| ADOBE_EVENT_PARAM_TYPE_HELPER (bool, typeBoolean) |
std::pair< const char *, bool > | alert (const char *message_text="There was an error.", const char *window_name="Alert", const char *button_0_name="OK", const char *button_1_name=0, const char *button_2_name=0, const char *checkbox_name=0, const boost::filesystem::path &icon_path=boost::filesystem::path(), std::size_t default_button_index=0, std::size_t cancel_button_index=1) |
void | align_slices (extents_t::slice_t &slice_one, extents_t::slice_t slice_two) |
void | apply_layout_parameters (layout_attributes_t &data, const dictionary_t ¶meters) |
template<typename T > |
T | arbitrary_regular_value () |
static popup_t::menu_item_set_t | array_to_menu_item_set (const array_t &value) |
any_regular_t | asl_standard_array_function_lookup (name_t function_name, const array_t &argument_set) |
any_regular_t | asl_standard_dictionary_function_lookup (name_t function_name, const dictionary_t &named_argument_set) |
void | assemblage_cleanup_connection (assemblage_t &assemblage, boost::signals::connection &x) |
template<typename T > |
void | assemblage_cleanup_ptr (assemblage_t &assemblage, T *x) |
void | assemble_layout (const string_t &layout_name, const layout_assembly_t &assembly, std::ostream &out) |
void | assemble_sheet (const string_t &sheet_name, const sheet_assembly_t &assembly, std::ostream &out) |
template<typename T , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_controller (T &control, const adobe::dictionary_t ¶meters, const FactoryToken &token, adobe::name_t key_name=key_bind) |
template<typename T , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_controller_direct (T &control, const adobe::dictionary_t ¶meters, const FactoryToken &token, adobe::name_t cell) |
template<typename T , typename MonitorFunction , typename EnableFunction , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_controller_functions (const adobe::dictionary_t ¶meters, const FactoryToken &token, const adobe::name_t key_name, const MonitorFunction &monitor_function, const EnableFunction &enable_function) |
template<typename T , typename MonitorFunction , typename EnableFunction , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_controller_functions_direct (const FactoryToken &token, const adobe::name_t cell, const MonitorFunction &monitor_function, const EnableFunction &enable_function) |
template<typename T , typename Sheet , typename MonitorFunction , typename EnableFunction > |
void | attach_controller_functions_to_model (adobe::assemblage_t &assemblage, Sheet &model, adobe::name_t cell, const MonitorFunction &monitor_function, const EnableFunction &enable_function) |
template<typename Controller > |
void | attach_controller_to_model (adobe::assemblage_t &assemblage, adobe::sheet_t &property_model, adobe::name_t cell, Controller &controller) |
template<class Controller > |
void | attach_enabler (assemblage_t &assemblage, name_t cell, Controller &control, sheet_t &sheet, const dictionary_t ¶meters) |
template<typename Controller , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_monitor (Controller &controller, name_t cell, sheet_t &sheet, const FactoryToken &token, const dictionary_t ¶meters) |
template<class AP , class P > |
eve_t::iterator | attach_placeable (eve_t::iterator parent_token, P &widget, const dictionary_t ¶meters, const factory_token_t &token, bool is_container, const layout_attributes_t &layout_attributes) |
template<typename Sheet > |
void | attach_popup_menu_item_set (popup_t &control, name_t cell, Sheet &sheet, assemblage_t &assemblage, eve_client_holder &) |
template<typename SequenceModel , typename SequenceController , typename Sheet > |
void | attach_sequence_controller_muldex (SequenceModel &sequence_model, SequenceController &sequence_controller, Sheet &model, name_t cell, assemblage_t &assemblage) |
template<typename SequenceController , typename Sheet > |
void | attach_sequence_controller_to_model (assemblage_t &assemblage, Sheet &model, name_t cell, SequenceController &sequence_controller) |
template<typename SequenceModel , typename SequenceController > |
void | attach_sequence_controller_to_sequence_model (adobe::assemblage_t &assemblage, SequenceModel &model, SequenceController &controller) |
template<typename SequenceModel , typename Sheet > |
void | attach_sequence_model_controller_to_model (assemblage_t &assemblage, Sheet &model, name_t cell, SequenceModel &sequence_model) |
template<typename SequenceModel , typename Sheet > |
void | attach_sequence_model_to_property_model (SequenceModel &sequence_model, Sheet &model, name_t view_line_cell, name_t controller_line_cell, assemblage_t &assemblage) |
template<typename SequenceModel , typename Sheet > |
void | attach_sequence_model_view_to_model (assemblage_t &assemblage, Sheet &model, name_t cell, SequenceModel &sequence_model) |
template<typename SequenceModel , typename SequenceView , typename Sheet > |
void | attach_sequence_view_muldex (SequenceModel &sequence_model, SequenceView &sequence_view, Sheet &model, name_t cell, assemblage_t &assemblage) |
template<typename SequenceView , typename Sheet > |
void | attach_sequence_view_to_model (assemblage_t &assemblage, Sheet &model, name_t cell, SequenceView &sequence_view) |
template<typename SequenceModel , typename SequenceView > |
void | attach_sequence_view_to_sequence_model (adobe::assemblage_t &assemblage, SequenceModel &model, SequenceView &view) |
template<typename SequenceWidget , typename Sheet > |
void | attach_sequence_widget_to_property_model (SequenceWidget &sequence_widget, Sheet &model, name_t view_line_cell, name_t controller_line_cell, assemblage_t &assemblage) |
template<typename SequenceModel , typename SequenceWidget > |
void | attach_sequence_widget_to_sequence_model (adobe::assemblage_t &assemblage, SequenceModel &model, SequenceWidget &widget) |
template<class View , class Sheet > |
void | attach_view (assemblage_t &assemblage, name_t cell, View &control, Sheet &sheet) |
template<typename T , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_view (T &control, const adobe::dictionary_t ¶meters, const FactoryToken &token, adobe::name_t key_name=key_bind) |
template<typename T , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_view_and_controller (T &control, const dictionary_t ¶meters, const FactoryToken &token, adobe::name_t bind_cell_name=key_bind, adobe::name_t bind_view_cell_name=key_bind_view, adobe::name_t bind_controller_cell_name=key_bind_controller) |
template<typename T , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_view_and_controller_direct (T &control, const adobe::dictionary_t ¶meters, const FactoryToken &token, adobe::name_t widget_cell=name_t(), adobe::name_t view_cell=name_t(), adobe::name_t controller_cell=name_t()) |
template<typename T , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_view_direct (T &control, const adobe::dictionary_t &, const FactoryToken &token, adobe::name_t cell) |
template<typename T , typename Function , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_view_function (const adobe::dictionary_t ¶meters, const FactoryToken &token, const adobe::name_t key_name, const Function &function) |
template<typename T , typename Function , typename FactoryToken > |
void | attach_view_function_direct (const FactoryToken &token, const name_t cell, const Function &function) |
template<typename ArgumentType , typename Sheet , typename Function > |
void | attach_view_function_to_model (adobe::assemblage_t &assemblage, Sheet &model, adobe::name_t cell, const Function &function) |
template<typename Sheet , typename View > |
void | attach_view_to_model (adobe::assemblage_t &assemblage, Sheet &model, adobe::name_t cell, View &view) |
template<typename T , typename Sheet , typename DisplayFunction , typename MonitorFunction , typename EnableFunction > |
void | attach_widget_proxies_to_model (adobe::assemblage_t &assemblage, Sheet &model, adobe::name_t cell, const DisplayFunction &display_function, const MonitorFunction &monitor_function, const EnableFunction &enable_function) |
template<typename C > |
back_move_iterator< C > | back_mover (C &x) |
format_base::stream_type & | begin_alternate (format_base::stream_type &os) |
std::ostream & | begin_asl_cel (std::ostream &os) |
std::ostream & | begin_asl_cel_unsafe (std::ostream &os) |
format_base::stream_type & | begin_format (format_base::stream_type &os) |
std::ostream & | begin_javascript (std::ostream &os) |
std::ostream & | begin_pdf (std::ostream &os) |
format_base::stream_type & | begin_sequence (format_base::stream_type &os) |
std::ostream & | begin_xml (std::ostream &os) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
I | binary_search (I f, I l, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C > |
I | binary_search (I f, I l, const T &x, C c) |
template<typename I , typename T > |
I | binary_search (I f, I l, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename T > |
boost::range_iterator< I >::type | binary_search (I &range, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C > |
boost::range_iterator< I >::type | binary_search (I &range, const T &x, C c) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C > |
boost::range_const_iterator< I >
::type | binary_search (const I &range, const T &x, C c) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
< boost::is_same< I, T >
, boost::range_iterator< I >
>::type | binary_search (I &r, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
< boost::is_same< I, T >
, boost::range_const_iterator
< I > >::type | binary_search (const I &r, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename T > |
boost::range_const_iterator< I >
::type | binary_search (const I &range, const T &x) |
eve_callback_suite_t | bind_layout (const bind_layout_proc_t &proc, sheet_t &layout_sheet, virtual_machine_t &evaluator) |
adam_callback_suite_t | bind_to_sheet (sheet_t &) |
adam_callback_suite_t | bind_to_sheet (sheet_t &, external_model_t &) |
| BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (!(sizeof(intptr_t)< sizeof(void *))) |
| BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (!(sizeof(uintptr_t)< sizeof(void *))) |
| BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(closed_hash_set< int >)==sizeof(void *)) |
int | bottom (const place_data_t &place_data) |
template<typename I1 , typename I2 , typename BP > |
bool | bounded_equal (I1 first1, I1 last1, I2 first2, I2 last2, BP pred) |
template<typename I1 , typename I2 > |
bool | bounded_equal (I1 first1, I1 last1, I2 first2, I2 last2) |
template<typename R1 , typename R2 > |
bool | bounded_equal (R1 &range1, R2 &range2) |
template<typename ButtonStateRange > |
< ButtonStateRange >::type | button_default_state (ButtonStateRange &range) |
template<typename ButtonStateRange > |
< ButtonStateRange >::type | button_modifier_state (ButtonStateRange &range, modifiers_t modifier_mask, modifiers_t modifiers) |
template<typename T > |
void | byteswap (T &x) |
template<class T , typename F , typename Dictionary , typename SingleArg > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_member_with_dictionary (T *that, F f, std::nothrow_t, Dictionary const &dict, SingleArg const &key_or_key_range) |
template<class T , typename F , typename Dictionary , typename SingleArg > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_member_with_dictionary (T *that, F f, Dictionary const &dict, SingleArg const &key_or_key_range) |
template<typename X , typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_member_with_dictionary (X &x, F f, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2) |
template<typename X , typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_member_with_dictionary (X x, F f, std::nothrow_t, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2) |
template<typename X , typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_member_with_dictionary (X &x, F f, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2, T3 const &key3) |
template<typename X , typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_member_with_dictionary (X &x, F f, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2, T3 const &key3, T4 const &key4) |
template<typename X , typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_member_with_dictionary (X x, F f, std::nothrow_t, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2, T3 const &key3) |
template<typename X , typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_member_with_dictionary (X x, F f, std::nothrow_t, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2, T3 const &key3, T4 const &key4) |
void | call_once (void(*func)(), adobe::once_flag &flag) |
template<typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_with_dictionary (F f, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2) |
template<typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_with_dictionary (F f, std::nothrow_t, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2) |
template<typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_with_dictionary (F f, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2, T3 const &key3) |
template<typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_with_dictionary (F f, std::nothrow_t, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2, T3 const &key3) |
template<typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_with_dictionary (F f, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2, T3 const &key3, T4 const &key4) |
template<typename F , typename Dictionary , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_with_dictionary (F f, std::nothrow_t, Dictionary const &dict, T1 const &key1, T2 const &key2, T3 const &key3, T4 const &key4) |
template<typename F , typename Dictionary , typename SingleArg > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_with_dictionary (F f, Dictionary const &dict, SingleArg const &key_or_key_range) |
template<typename F , typename Dictionary , typename SingleArg > |
arg_stream::result_type< F >::type | call_with_dictionary (F f, std::nothrow_t, Dictionary const &dict, SingleArg const &key_or_key_range) |
template<typename NewFormat > |
void | callback (std::ios_base::event ev, std::ios_base &strm, int idx) |
template<typename R > |
R | cf_cast (::CFTypeRef x) |
template<typename T , typename Op > |
void | check_antisymmetric (const T &x, const T &y, Op op) |
template<typename T > |
void | check_container (const T &c) |
template<typename T , typename Op > |
void | check_irreflexive (const T &x, Op op) |
template<typename T , typename Op > |
void | check_less_than_comparable (const T &x, const T &y, const T &z, Op op) |
template<typename T > |
void | check_null (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
void | check_regular (const T &x) |
template<typename T , typename Op > |
void | check_transitive (const T &x, const T &y, const T &z, Op op) |
template<typename T > |
void | check_traversable (const T &c) |
template<typename I > |
child_iterator< I > | child_begin (const I &x) |
template<typename I > |
child_iterator< I > | child_end (const I &x) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | clamp (const T &x, const T &min, const T &max, R r) |
template<typename T > |
const T & | clamp (const T &x, const T &min, const T &max) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | clamp_unordered (const T &x, const T &min, const T &max, R r) |
template<typename T > |
const T & | clamp_unordered (const T &x, const T &min, const T &max) |
template<class SV > |
void | clear (SV &v) |
widget_node_t | column_factory (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<class T , typename R , class Compare > |
compare_members_t< T, R, Compare > | compare_members (R T::*member, Compare compare) |
template<class T , typename R > |
compare_members_t< T, R,
std::less< R > > | compare_members (R T::*member) |
bool | completely_valid_number_string_given_current_locale (const std::string &value) |
template<typename F , typename G > |
unary_compose< F, G > | compose (F f, G g) |
template<typename T > |
void | construct (T *p) |
template<typename T > |
void | construct (T *p, T x) |
bool | context_menu (HWND parent, long x, long y, const name_t *first, const name_t *last, name_t &result) |
template<class DNDC > |
dnd_converter_dest_type< DNDC >
::type | convert (const DNDC &dndc, const typename dnd_converter_source_type< DNDC >::type &raw_value) |
modifiers_t | convert_modifiers (ULONG os_modifiers) |
modifiers_t | convert_modifiers (BYTE keyboard_state[256]) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | copy (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result) |
template<class BidirectionalRange1 , class BidirectionalIterator2 > |
BidirectionalIterator2 | copy_backward (BidirectionalRange1 &range1, BidirectionalIterator2 result) |
template<class BidirectionalRange1 , class BidirectionalIterator2 > |
BidirectionalIterator2 | copy_backward (const BidirectionalRange1 &range1, BidirectionalIterator2 result) |
template<typename I , typename F > |
std::pair< I, F > | copy_bounded (I first, I last, F result_first, F result_last) |
template<class InputIter , class Size , class OutputIter > |
std::pair< InputIter, OutputIter > | copy_n (InputIter first, Size count, OutputIter result) |
template<typename I , typename O , typename T > |
std::pair< I, O > | copy_sentinal (I f, O o, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
std::pair< I, O > | copy_sentinal (I f, O o) |
template<class InputRange , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | count (InputRange &range, T &value) |
template<class InputRange , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | count (const InputRange &range, T &value) |
template<class InputIterator , class Predicate > |
< InputIterator >
::difference_type | count_if (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | count_if (InputRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | count_if (const InputRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<typename Controller , typename FactoryToken > |
void | couple_controller_to_cell (Controller &controller, name_t cell, sheet_t &sheet, const FactoryToken &token, const dictionary_t ¶meters) |
template<typename T , typename P > |
widget_node_t | create_and_hookup_widget (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, bool is_container, const layout_attributes_t &layout_attributes) |
const char * | current_exception_what () |
const dictionary_t & | current_locale () |
template<typename Result , typename InputIterator > |
InputIterator | datoi (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Result &result) |
const widget_factory_t & | default_asl_widget_factory () |
widget_node_t | default_factory (const widget_factory_t &factory, name_t widget_type, const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token) |
void | default_vm_function_lookup (virtual_machine_t &machine) |
widget_factory_proc_t | default_widget_factory_proc () |
widget_factory_proc_t | default_widget_factory_proc_with_factory (const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<typename T > |
void | destroy (T *p) |
template<typename F > |
void | destroy (F f, F l) |
void | destroy_cg_image (cg_image_t image) |
dictionary_t | dictionary_union (const dictionary_t &src1, const dictionary_t &src2) |
layout_assembly_t | disassemble_layout (std::istream &stream, const line_position_t &position) |
sheet_assembly_t | disassemble_sheet (std::istream &stream, const line_position_t &position) |
template<class V > |
void | display (V &v, const typename view_model_type< V >::type &value) |
template<typename I > |
boost::difference_type< I >::type | distance (I &range) |
any_regular_t | dnd_converter_invoke (boost::uint32_t flavor, const std::type_info &target_type_info, const any_regular_t &raw_value) |
any_regular_t | dnd_extractor_invoke (boost::uint32_t flavor, const std::type_info &target_type_info, const dictionary_t &drag_parameters) |
template<typename R > |
void | element_forest_to_xml (const R &f, std::ostream &output, bool verbose=true) |
void | enable (image_t &value, bool make_enabled) |
void | enable (label_t &value, bool make_enabled) |
void | enable (presets_t &value, bool make_enabled) |
template<class C > |
void | enable (C &c, bool enable_state) |
format_base::stream_type & | end_alternate (format_base::stream_type &os) |
std::ostream & | end_asl_cel (std::ostream &os) |
std::ostream & | end_asl_cel_unsafe (std::ostream &os) |
format_base::stream_type & | end_atom (format_base::stream_type &os) |
format_base::stream_type & | end_bag (format_base::stream_type &os) |
format_base::stream_type & | end_format (format_base::stream_type &os) |
std::ostream & | end_javascript (std::ostream &os) |
std::ostream & | end_pdf (std::ostream &os) |
format_base::stream_type & | end_sequence (format_base::stream_type &os) |
std::ostream & | end_xml (std::ostream &os) |
template<typename E > |
E | eof_token () |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
bool | equal (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputIterator2 > |
bool | equal (const InputRange1 &range1, InputIterator2 first2) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputIterator2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
bool | equal (const InputRange1 &range1, InputIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<typename I , typename T > |
std::pair< I, I > | equal_range (I f, I l, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C > |
std::pair< I, I > | equal_range (I f, I l, const T &x, C c) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
std::pair< I, I > | equal_range (I f, I l, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
< boost::is_same< I, T >
, implementation::lazy_range
< I > >::type | equal_range (I &r, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
< boost::is_same< I, T >
, implementation::lazy_range_const
< I > >::type | equal_range (const I &r, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename T > |
std::pair< typename
boost::range_iterator< I >
::type, typename
boost::range_iterator< I >
::type > | equal_range (I &r, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename T > |
std::pair< typename
boost::range_const_iterator< I >
::type, typename
boost::range_const_iterator< I >
::type > | equal_range (const I &r, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C > |
< boost::is_same< I, T >
, implementation::lazy_range
< I > >::type | equal_range (I &r, const T &x, C c) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C > |
< boost::is_same< I, T >
, implementation::lazy_range_const
< I > >::type | equal_range (const I &r, const T &x, C c) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T > |
std::pair< I, I > | equal_range_n (I f, N n, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T , typename C > |
std::pair< I, I > | equal_range_n (I f, N n, const T &x, C c) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
std::pair< I, I > | equal_range_n (I f, N n, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<class SV > |
void | erase (SV &v, const vector< typename sequence_view_key_type< SV >::type > &key_set) |
template<typename T > |
T::iterator | erase (T &x, typename T::iterator f, typename T::iterator l) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
T::iterator | erase (T &x, const R &r) |
template<typename T > |
T::iterator | erase (T &x, typename T::iterator f) |
template<typename T , typename P > |
void | erase_if (T &x, typename T::iterator f, typename T::iterator l, P p) |
template<typename T , typename P > |
void | erase_if (T &x, P p) |
template<typename C > |
bool | exists (const C &c, const typename C::key_type &k) |
template<typename lht , typename rht > |
lht | explicit_cast (const rht &rhs) |
template<> |
auto_cfstring_t | explicit_cast (const std::string &x) |
template<> |
auto_cfstring_t | explicit_cast (const adobe::string16_t &x) |
template<> |
std::string | explicit_cast (const ::CFStringRef &x) |
template<> |
std::string | explicit_cast (const auto_cfstring_t &x) |
template<> |
auto_cfstring_t | explicit_cast (const adobe::string_t &x) |
template<class SV > |
void | extend (SV &v, typename sequence_view_key_type< SV >::type before, typename sequence_view_key_type< SV >::type value_key, typename sequence_view_cow_value_type< SV >::type value) |
template<class SV > |
void | extend_set (SV &v, typename sequence_view_key_type< SV >::type before, const vector< typename sequence_view_key_type< SV >::type > &extend_key_set) |
template<typename F > |
transposer< F > | f_transpose (F f) |
template<class ForwardRange , class T > |
void | fill (ForwardRange &range, const T &value) |
template<typename I , typename O , typename F > |
O | filter (I first, I last, O result, F op) |
template<typename I , typename O , typename F > |
O | filter (I &source, O result, F op) |
template<typename I , typename O , typename F > |
O | filter (const I &source, O result, F op) |
template<class InputRange , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | find (InputRange &range, const T &value) |
template<class InputRange , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | find (const InputRange &range, const T &value) |
template<typename I , typename D , typename T , typename C > |
I | find_closest (I first, D n, const T &value, C pred) |
template<typename I , typename D , typename T > |
I | find_closest (I first, D n, const T &value) |
template<typename I , typename T , typename C > |
I | find_closest (I first, I last, const T &value, C pred) |
template<typename I , typename T > |
I | find_closest (I first, I last, const T &value) |
template<typename I > |
I | find_edge (I x, std::size_t edge) |
template<typename I > |
I | find_edge_reverse (I x, std::size_t edge) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardRange2 > |
< ForwardRange1 >::type | find_end (ForwardRange1 &range1, const ForwardRange2 &range2) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardRange2 > |
< ForwardRange1 >::type | find_end (const ForwardRange1 &range1, const ForwardRange2 &range2) |
template<class ForwardIterator1 , class ForwardIterator2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
ForwardIterator1 | find_end (ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1, ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2 last2, BinaryPredicate comp) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardRange2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange1 >::type | find_end (ForwardRange1 &range1, const ForwardRange2 &range2, BinaryPredicate comp) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardRange2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange1 >::type | find_end (const ForwardRange1 &range1, const ForwardRange2 &range2, BinaryPredicate comp) |
template<class InputIterator , class Predicate > |
InputIterator | find_if (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | find_if (InputRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | find_if (const InputRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputIterator , class Predicate > |
InputIterator | find_if_not (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | find_if_not (InputRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | find_if_not (const InputRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputIterator , class T , class Compare > |
InputIterator | find_match (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T &value, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange , class T , class Compare > |
< InputRange >::type | find_match (const InputRange &range, const T &value, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange , class T , class Compare > |
< InputRange >::type | find_match (InputRange &range, const T &value, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange , class T , class Compare > |
< InputRange >::type | find_match (InputRange &range, const T &value) |
template<class InputIterator , class T , class Compare > |
InputIterator | find_match (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T &value) |
template<class InputRange , class T , class Compare > |
< InputRange >::type | find_match (const InputRange &range, const T &value) |
template<class InputIterator , class T > |
InputIterator | find_not (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T &value) |
template<class InputRange , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | find_not (InputRange &range, const T &value) |
template<class InputRange , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | find_not (const InputRange &range, const T &value) |
template<typename I > |
I | find_parent (I i) |
template<typename I , typename T > |
std::pair< I, I > | find_range (I f, I l, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename P > |
std::pair< I, I > | find_range_if (I f, I l, P p) |
boost::filesystem::path | find_resource (const boost::filesystem::path &name) |
bitpath_t | first_child_of (const bitpath_t &src) |
template<class T > |
std::ostream & | fmt (std::ostream &os, const T &t) |
template<class InputIterator , class UnaryFunction > |
void | for_each (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, UnaryFunction f) |
template<class InputRange , class UnaryFunction > |
void | for_each (InputRange &range, UnaryFunction f) |
template<class InputRange , class UnaryFunction > |
void | for_each (const InputRange &range, UnaryFunction f) |
template<class InputIterator , class UnaryFunction > |
void | for_each_position (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, UnaryFunction f) |
template<class InputRange , class UnaryFunction > |
void | for_each_position (InputRange &range, UnaryFunction f) |
template<class InputRange , class UnaryFunction > |
void | for_each_position (const InputRange &range, UnaryFunction f) |
template<class T > |
basic_format< T > | format (const T &t) |
int | format_base_idx () |
std::string | format_stream_error (std::istream &, const stream_error_t &) |
std::string | format_stream_error (const stream_error_t &) |
bool | forward_message (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT &forward_result) |
template<typename T > |
void | forward_to_model (adobe::sheet_t &property_model, adobe::name_t cell, const T &value) |
boost::filesystem::path | fsref_to_path (const ::FSRef &location) |
template<typename Iter , typename Pred > |
std::pair< Iter, Iter > | gather (Iter first, Iter last, Iter pivot, Pred pred) |
template<typename BidirectionalRange , typename Pred > |
std::pair< typename
< BidirectionalRange >::type,
typename boost::range_iterator
< BidirectionalRange >::type > | gather (BidirectionalRange &range, typename boost::range_iterator< BidirectionalRange >::type pivot, Pred pred) |
behavior_t & | general_deferred_proc_queue () |
template<class ForwardRange , class Generator > |
void | generate (ForwardRange &range, Generator gen) |
void | get_control_bounds (::HIViewRef control,::Rect &bounds, bool absolute) |
std::string | get_control_string (const edit_text_t &widget) |
std::string | get_control_string (const label_t &widget) |
template<typename R > |
R | get_dictionary_entry (adobe::dictionary_t const &dict, adobe::name_t const &key) |
template<typename R > |
bool | get_dictionary_entry (adobe::dictionary_t const &dict, adobe::name_t const &key, R &r) |
HWND | get_display (const display_number_t &widget) |
HWND | get_display (const edit_text_t &widget) |
HWND | get_display (image_t &widget) |
HWND | get_display (const label_t &widget) |
template<::EventParamName name, typename T > |
bool | get_event_parameter (::EventRef the_event, T &value,::EventParamType type=event_param_type< T >::value) |
template<typename Target > |
::EventTargetRef | get_event_target (Target target) |
format_base * | get_formatter (std::ostream &os) |
template<typename I > |
std::pair< I, std::string > | get_line (I first, I last) |
display_t & | get_main_display () |
platform_display_type | get_top_level_window (platform_display_type display_element) |
LONG_PTR | get_user_reference (HWND control) |
const layout_attributes_t & | group_layout_attributes () |
dialog_result_t | handle_dialog (const dictionary_t &input, const dictionary_t &record, const dictionary_t &display_state, display_options_t display_options, std::istream &layout_definition, std::istream &sheet_definition, action_callback_t callback, const boost::filesystem::path &working_directory, platform_display_type parent=platform_display_type()) |
template<class H > |
bool | handle_key (H &handler, key_type key, bool pressed, modifiers_t modifiers) |
template<typename I > |
bool | has_children (const I &i) |
int | height (const place_data_t &place_data) |
int & | height (place_data_t &place_data) |
template<typename T0 > |
void | ignore_unused (const T0 &) |
template<typename T0 , typename T1 > |
void | ignore_unused (const T0 &, const T1 &) |
template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 > |
void | ignore_unused (const T0 &, const T1 &, const T2 &) |
template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 > |
void | ignore_unused (const T0 &, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &) |
void | image_slurp (const boost::filesystem::path &path, boost::gil::rgba8_image_t &image) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 > |
bool | includes (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class Compare > |
bool | includes (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class Compare > |
bool | includes (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, Compare comp) |
template<typename Selection , typename ForwardRange > |
Selection | index_set_to_selection (const ForwardRange &index_set) |
void | initialize (image_t &value, HWND parent) |
void | initialize (label_t &value, HWND parent) |
template<typename InputRange , typename InputIterator , typename T > |
T | inner_product (const InputRange &range, InputIterator first, T init) |
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename InputIterator2 , typename T , typename BinaryOperation1 , typename BinaryOperation2 > |
T | inner_product (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, T init, BinaryOperation1 binary_op1, BinaryOperation2 binary_op2) |
template<typename InputRange , typename InputIterator , typename T , typename BinaryOperation1 , typename BinaryOperation2 > |
T | inner_product (const InputRange &range, InputIterator first, T init, BinaryOperation1 binary_op1, BinaryOperation2 binary_op2) |
template<class SM > |
void | insert (SM &v, typename sequence_model_key_type< SM >::type before, const typename sequence_model_value_type< SM >::type &x) |
template<typename DisplayElement > |
platform_display_type | insert (display_t &display, platform_display_type &parent, DisplayElement &element) |
template<class SM > |
void | insert_set (SM &v, typename sequence_model_key_type< SM >::type before, const vector< typename sequence_model_value_type< SM >::type > &x) |
template<typename Selection > |
void | invert (Selection &x) |
template<typename DestType , typename SourceType > |
DestType | invoke_dnd_converter (boost::uint32_t flavor, const SourceType &raw_value) |
template<typename DestType , typename SourceType > |
bool | invoke_dnd_converter (boost::uint32_t flavor, const SourceType &raw_value, DestType &result) |
template<typename DestType > |
DestType | invoke_dnd_extractor (boost::uint32_t flavor, const dictionary_t &drag_parameters) |
template<typename DestType > |
bool | invoke_dnd_extractor (boost::uint32_t flavor, const dictionary_t &drag_parameters, DestType &result) |
template<class ForwardIterator , class T > |
void | iota (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T &value) |
template<class ForwardRange , class T > |
void | iota (ForwardRange &range, const T &value) |
bool | is_dnd_converter_registered (boost::uint32_t flavor, const std::type_info &target_type_info) |
template<typename T > |
bool | is_dnd_converter_registered (boost::uint32_t flavor) |
template<typename T > |
bool | is_dnd_extractor_registered (boost::uint32_t flavor) |
bool | is_dnd_extractor_registered (boost::uint32_t flavor, const std::type_info &target_type_info) |
template<typename I > |
bool | is_line_end (I &first, I last) |
template<typename I > |
std::size_t | is_line_end (I &first, I last, char c) |
template<typename Selection > |
bool | is_selected (const Selection &x, typename Selection::value_type index) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
bool | is_sorted (I f, I l, O o) |
template<typename I > |
bool | is_sorted (I f, I l) |
template<typename I , typename C , typename P > |
bool | is_sorted (I f, I l, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename C , typename P > |
bool | is_sorted (const I &r, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename C > |
bool | is_sorted (const I &r, C c) |
template<typename I > |
bool | is_sorted (const I &r) |
adobe::any_regular_t | layout_variables (adobe::sheet_t &layout_sheet, adobe::name_t name) |
template<typename I > |
I | leading_of (I i) |
int | left (const place_data_t &place_data) |
int & | left (place_data_t &place_data) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class Compare > |
bool | lexicographical_compare (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, Compare comp) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class Compare > |
bool | lexicographical_compare (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 > |
bool | lexicographical_compare (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2) |
const layout_attributes_t & | link_layout_attributes () |
std::string | localization_invoke (const std::string &source) |
bool | localization_ready () |
void | localization_register (const localization_lookup_proc_t &proc) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
I | lower_bound_n (I f, N n, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T > |
I | lower_bound_n (I f, N n, const T &x) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T , typename C > |
I | lower_bound_n (I f, N n, const T &x, C c) |
long | lround_half_up (float x) |
long | lround_half_up (double x) |
widget_node_t | make_button (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
cg_image_t | make_cg_image (const boost::gil::rgba8_image_t &image) |
widget_node_t | make_checkbox (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_control_button (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<typename Dictionary , typename InputRange > |
< Dictionary, InputRange, void > | make_dictionary_arg_stream (Dictionary &dict, InputRange const &key_range) |
template<typename Dictionary , typename InputRange > |
< Dictionary, InputRange,
std::nothrow_t > | make_dictionary_arg_stream (Dictionary &dict, InputRange const &key_range, std::nothrow_t) |
template<typename Control , typename UserData > |
display_compositor_t< Control,
UserData > * | make_display_compositor (Control &control, UserData index) |
widget_node_t | make_edit_number (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<typename Function > |
poly_drag_and_drop_converter_t | make_function_as_poly_drag_and_drop_converter (const Function &f) |
template<typename ArgType , typename Function > |
poly< view > | make_function_as_poly_view (const Function &f) |
template<typename T , typename MonitorFunction , typename EnableFunction > |
poly< controller > | make_functions_as_poly_controller (const MonitorFunction &monitor_function, const EnableFunction &enable_function) |
widget_node_t | make_group (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<class RandomAccessRange > |
void | make_heap (RandomAccessRange &range) |
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Compare > |
void | make_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<class RandomAccessRange , class Compare > |
void | make_heap (RandomAccessRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
is_member< I, O > | make_is_member (I f, I l, O o) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
is_member< typename
boost::range_const_iterator< I >
::type, O > | make_is_member (const I &r, O o) |
template<typename I > |
is_member< I, less > | make_is_member (I f, I l) |
template<typename I > |
is_member< typename
boost::range_const_iterator< I >
::type, less > | make_is_member (const I &r) |
widget_node_t | make_link (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_optional_panel (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
pair< T1, T2 > | make_pair (T1 x, T2 y) |
widget_node_t | make_panel (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_popup (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_presets (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_preview (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_progress_bar (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_radio_button (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_reveal (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<typename R > |
segmented_iterator< typename
boost::range_iterator< R >
::type > | make_segmented_iterator (R &r) |
template<typename R > |
< segmented_iterator< typename
boost::range_iterator< R >
::type > > | make_segmented_range (R &r) |
widget_node_t | make_separator (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_slider (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
std::string | make_string (const char *a, const char *b) |
std::string | make_string (const char *a, const char *b, const char *c) |
widget_node_t | make_tab_group (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
widget_node_t | make_toggle (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
< eve_client_holder > | make_view (name_t file_name, const line_position_t::getline_proc_t &getline_proc, std::istream &stream, sheet_t &sheet, behavior_t &root_behavior, const button_notifier_t ¬ifier, size_enum_t dialog_size, const widget_factory_proc_t &proc=default_widget_factory_proc(), platform_display_type display_root=platform_display_type()) |
widget_node_t | make_window (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<class T > |
const T &() | max (const T &a, const T &b) |
template<class T , class Compare > |
const T &() | max (const T &a, const T &b, Compare comp) |
template<class T , class Compare > |
T &() | max (T &a, T &b, Compare comp) |
template<class T > |
T &() | max (T &a, T &b) |
template<typename ForwardIterator > |
ForwardIterator | max_adjacent_difference (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) |
template<typename ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | max_adjacent_difference (ForwardRange &range) |
template<typename ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | max_adjacent_difference (const ForwardRange &range) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Compare > |
< ForwardRange >::type | max_element (const ForwardRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<class ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | max_element (ForwardRange &range) |
template<class ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | max_element (const ForwardRange &range) |
template<class ForwardIterator , class Compare > |
ForwardIterator | max_element (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Compare > |
< ForwardRange >::type | max_element (ForwardRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<class T > |
void | measure (T &t, extents_t &result) |
void | measure (image_t &value, extents_t &result) |
void | measure (label_t &value, extents_t &result) |
void | measure_label_text (const label_t &label, extents_t &result, HWND temp_parent) |
extents_t | measure_text (const std::string &text, theme_t theme, HWND temp_parent) |
template<class T > |
void | measure_vertical (T &t, extents_t &calculated_horizontal, const place_data_t &placed_horizontal) |
void | measure_vertical (image_t &value, extents_t &calculated_horizontal, const place_data_t &placed_horizontal) |
void | measure_vertical (label_t &value, extents_t &calculated_horizontal, const place_data_t &placed_horizontal) |
template<typename T > |
const T & | median (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c) |
template<typename T > |
T & | median (T &a, T &b, T &c) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
T & | median (T &a, T &b, T &c, R r) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | median (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, R r) |
template<class T , typename R > |
mem_data_t< T, R > | mem_data (R T::*member) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | merge (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | merge (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | merge (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<class T > |
const T &() | min (const T &a, const T &b) |
template<class T > |
T &() | min (T &a, T &b) |
template<class T , class Compare > |
const T &() | min (const T &a, const T &b, Compare comp) |
template<class T , class Compare > |
T &() | min (T &a, T &b, Compare comp) |
template<class ForwardIterator , class Compare > |
ForwardIterator | min_element (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<class ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | min_element (ForwardRange &range) |
template<class ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | min_element (const ForwardRange &range) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Compare > |
< ForwardRange >::type | min_element (ForwardRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Compare > |
< ForwardRange >::type | min_element (const ForwardRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<typename I1 , typename I2 > |
std::pair< I1, I2 > | mismatch (I1 first1, I1 last1, I2 first2, I2 last2) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
std::pair< InputIterator1,
InputIterator2 > | mismatch (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputIterator2 > |
std::pair< typename
< InputRange1 >::type,
InputIterator2 > | mismatch (const InputRange1 &range1, InputIterator2 first2) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputIterator2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
std::pair< typename
< InputRange1 >::type,
InputIterator2 > | mismatch (InputRange1 &range1, InputIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputIterator2 > |
std::pair< typename
< InputRange1 >::type,
InputIterator2 > | mismatch (InputRange1 &range1, InputIterator2 first2) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputIterator2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
std::pair< typename
< InputRange1 >::type,
InputIterator2 > | mismatch (const InputRange1 &range1, InputIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<typename I1 , typename I2 , typename N > |
std::pair< I1, I2 > | mismatch_n (I1 first1, I2 first2, N n) |
modifiers_t | modifier_state () |
template<class C , class F > |
void | monitor (C &c, const F &setter) |
boost::signals::connection | monitor_locale (const monitor_locale_proc_t &proc) |
template<class SC > |
void | monitor_sequence (SC &v, typename poly_sequence_model< typename sequence_controller_value_type< SC >::type >::type &sequence) |
template<typename T > |
T | move (T &x, typename move_sink< T >::type=0) |
template<typename T > |
T & | move (T &x, typename copy_sink< T >::type=0) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
O | move (I f, I l, O result) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
O | move (I &in, O out) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
O | move_backward (I f, I l, O result) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
O | move_backward (I &in, O out) |
modifiers_t | name_to_modifer (name_t name) |
template<typename F > |
< F, 4 > | named_bind (const F &f, name_t arg1_name, name_t arg2_name, name_t arg3_name, name_t arg4_name) |
template<typename F > |
< F, 5 > | named_bind (const F &f, name_t arg1_name, name_t arg2_name, name_t arg3_name, name_t arg4_name, name_t arg5_name) |
template<typename F > |
< F, 7 > | named_bind (const F &f, name_t arg1_name, name_t arg2_name, name_t arg3_name, name_t arg4_name, name_t arg5_name, name_t arg6_name, name_t arg7_name) |
template<typename F > |
< F, 3 > | named_bind (const F &f, name_t arg1_name, name_t arg2_name, name_t arg3_name) |
template<typename F > |
< F, 6 > | named_bind (const F &f, name_t arg1_name, name_t arg2_name, name_t arg3_name, name_t arg4_name, name_t arg5_name, name_t arg6_name) |
template<typename F > |
< F, 0 > | named_bind (const F &f) |
template<typename F > |
< F, 1 > | named_bind (const F &f, name_t arg1_name) |
template<typename F > |
< F, 2 > | named_bind (const F &f, name_t arg1_name, name_t arg2_name) |
static const adobe::bitpath_t & | nbitpath () |
template<typename R , typename A > |
R | nearest_cast (const A &x) |
template<class BidirectionalRange > |
bool | next_permutation (BidirectionalRange &range) |
template<class BidirectionalIterator , class Compare > |
bool | next_permutation (BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<class BidirectionalRange , class Compare > |
bool | next_permutation (BidirectionalRange &range, Compare comp) |
bitpath_t | next_sibling_of (const bitpath_t &src) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator!= (const dirty_value< T > &x, const dirty_value< T > &y) |
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type1Equality , typename Type2Equality > |
bool | operator!= (const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &x, const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &y) |
template<typename D , typename IT , typename S_FN > |
bool | operator!= (const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p1, const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p2) |
template<class T > |
bool | operator!= (const poly< T > &x, const poly< T > &y) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator!= (const forest< T > &x, const forest< T > &y) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator< (const dirty_value< T > &x, const dirty_value< T > &y) |
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type1Equality , typename Type2Equality > |
bool | operator< (const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &x, const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &y) |
template<typename D , typename IT , typename S_FN > |
bool | operator< (const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p1, const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p2) |
template<class ArgumentType , class charT , class traits > |
std::basic_ostream< charT,
traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &os, const adobe::basic_omanipulator< ArgumentType, charT, traits > &manip) |
template<typename T , class charT , class traits > |
std::basic_ostream< charT,
traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &os, const begin_atom< T > &manip) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, const extents_t &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, const extents_t::slice_t &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, const boost::gil::rgba8_image_t &image) |
template<class ArgumentType1 , class ArgumentType2 , class charT , class traits > |
std::basic_ostream< charT,
traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &os, const adobe::basic_omanipulator2< ArgumentType1, ArgumentType2, charT, traits > &manip) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const line_position_t &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, const token_range_t &x) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator<= (const dirty_value< T > &x, const dirty_value< T > &y) |
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type1Equality , typename Type2Equality > |
bool | operator<= (const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &x, const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &y) |
template<typename D , typename IT , typename S_FN > |
bool | operator<= (const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p1, const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p2) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator== (const forest< T > &x, const forest< T > &y) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator== (const circular_queue< T > &x, const circular_queue< T > &y) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator== (const dirty_value< T > &x, const dirty_value< T > &y) |
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type1Equality , typename Type2Equality > |
bool | operator== (const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &x, const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &y) |
template<typename D , typename IT , typename S_FN > |
bool | operator== (const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p1, const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p2) |
template<class J , template< typename > class K> |
< implementation::has_equals
< J >, bool >::type | operator== (const poly_base< J, K > &x, const poly_base< J, K > &y) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator> (const dirty_value< T > &x, const dirty_value< T > &y) |
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type1Equality , typename Type2Equality > |
bool | operator> (const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &x, const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &y) |
template<typename D , typename IT , typename S_FN > |
bool | operator> (const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p1, const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p2) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator>= (const dirty_value< T > &x, const dirty_value< T > &y) |
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type1Equality , typename Type2Equality > |
bool | operator>= (const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &x, const rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality > &y) |
template<typename D , typename IT , typename S_FN > |
bool | operator>= (const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p1, const step_iterator_adaptor< D, IT, S_FN > &p2) |
const layout_attributes_t & | optional_panel_layout_attributes () |
template<typename T , typename P , typename BinaryPredicate > |
const T & | other_of (const P &pair, const T &x, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<typename T , typename P > |
const T & | other_of (const P &pair, const T &x) |
widget_node_t | overlay_factory (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
void | paint_control_with_image (::HIViewRef control, const boost::gil::rgba8_image_t &image) |
const layout_attributes_t & | panel_layout_attributes () |
bitpath_t | parent_of (const bitpath_t &src) |
void | parse (std::istream &stream, const line_position_t &position, const adam_callback_suite_t &callbacks) |
line_position_t | parse (std::istream &in, const line_position_t &, const eve_callback_suite_t::position_t &, const eve_callback_suite_t &) |
array_t | parse_adam_expression (const std::string &expression) |
template<typename O > |
void | parse_xml_fragment (uchar_ptr_t fragment, std::size_t n, O output) |
template<typename O > |
void | parse_xml_fragment (const std::string &fragment, O output) |
template<typename O > |
void | parse_xml_fragment (const char *fragment, O output) |
template<class InputIterator , class RandomAccessIterator , class Compare > |
void | partial_sort_copy (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, RandomAccessIterator result_first, RandomAccessIterator result_last, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange , class RandomAccessRange > |
void | partial_sort_copy (InputRange &range, RandomAccessRange &result_range) |
template<class InputRange , class RandomAccessRange > |
void | partial_sort_copy (const InputRange &range, RandomAccessRange &result_range) |
template<class InputRange , class RandomAccessRange , class Compare > |
void | partial_sort_copy (InputRange &range, RandomAccessRange &result_range, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange , class RandomAccessRange , class Compare > |
void | partial_sort_copy (const InputRange &range, RandomAccessRange &result_range, Compare comp) |
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator , typename BinaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | partial_sum (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<typename InputRange , typename OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | partial_sum (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result) |
template<typename InputRange , typename OutputIterator , typename BinaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | partial_sum (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<class BidirectionalRange , class Predicate > |
< BidirectionalRange >::type | partition (BidirectionalRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<class BidirectionalIterator , class Predicate > |
BidirectionalIterator | partition (BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, Predicate pred) |
bool | passes_through (const bitpath_t &path, const bitpath_t &candidate) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | pin (const T &min, const T &x, const T &max, R r) |
template<typename T > |
const T & | pin (const T &min, const T &x, const T &max) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | pin_safe (const T &min, const T &x, const T &max) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | pin_safe (const T &min, const T &x, const T &max, R r) |
template<typename I > |
void | pivot (I &i) |
template<typename I > |
I | pivot_of (I i) |
void | place (label_t &value, const place_data_t &place_data) |
void | place (image_t &value, const place_data_t &place_data) |
template<class T > |
void | place (T &t, const place_data_t &place_data) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
T | poly_cast (poly< U > &x) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
T | poly_cast (poly< U > *x) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
T | poly_cast (const poly< U > &x) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
T | poly_cast (const poly< U > *x) |
template<class RandomAccessRange > |
void | pop_heap (RandomAccessRange &range) |
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Compare > |
void | pop_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<class RandomAccessRange , class Compare > |
void | pop_heap (RandomAccessRange &range, Compare comp) |
void | pop_resource_root_path () |
template<class BidirectionalRange , class Compare > |
bool | prev_permutation (BidirectionalRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<class BidirectionalRange > |
bool | prev_permutation (BidirectionalRange &range) |
template<class BidirectionalIterator , class Compare > |
bool | prev_permutation (BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, Compare comp) |
bitpath_t | prior_sibling_of (const bitpath_t &src) |
template<typename T , typename U , typename V , typename R > |
pointer_to_ternary_function< T,
U, V, R > | ptr_fun (R(*f)(T, U, V)) |
template<class SM > |
void | push_back (SM &v, const typename sequence_model_value_type< SM >::type &x) |
template<class RandomAccessRange > |
void | push_heap (RandomAccessRange &range) |
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Compare > |
void | push_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<class RandomAccessRange , class Compare > |
void | push_heap (RandomAccessRange &range, Compare comp) |
void | push_resource_root_path (const boost::filesystem::path &root) |
template<class RandomAccessRange > |
void | random_shuffle (RandomAccessRange &range) |
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class RandomNumberGenerator > |
void | random_shuffle (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, RandomNumberGenerator &rand) |
template<class RandomAccessRange , class RandomNumberGenerator > |
void | random_shuffle (RandomAccessRange &range, RandomNumberGenerator &rand) |
template<typename I , typename Op > |
std::iterator_traits< I >
::value_type | reduce_balanced (I f, I l, Op op, ADOBE_VALUE_TYPE(I) z=adobe::identity_element< Op >()()) |
template<typename I , typename Op > |
std::iterator_traits< I >
::value_type | reduce_nonzeros (I f, I l, Op op, ADOBE_VALUE_TYPE(I) z=adobe::identity_element< Op >()()) |
template<class SV > |
void | refresh (SV &v, typename sequence_view_key_type< SV >::type index, typename sequence_view_cow_value_type< SV >::type value) |
void | register_dnd_converter (boost::uint32_t flavor, const std::type_info &target_type_info, const poly_drag_and_drop_converter_t &converter) |
template<typename T > |
void | register_dnd_converter (boost::uint32_t flavor, const poly_drag_and_drop_converter_t &converter) |
void | register_dnd_extractor (boost::uint32_t flavor, const std::type_info &target_type_info, const dnd_flavor_extractor_proc_t &extractor) |
template<typename T > |
void | register_dnd_extractor (boost::uint32_t flavor, const dnd_flavor_extractor_proc_t &extractor) |
std::vector< boost::uint32_t > | registered_flavor_set () |
template<class InputRange , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | remove (InputRange &range, const T &value) |
template<typename T > |
T & | remove_const (const T &x) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | remove_copy (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, const T &value) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator , class T > |
< InputRange >::type | remove_copy (InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, const T &value) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | remove_copy_if (InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputIterator , class OutputIterator , class Predicate > |
InputIterator | remove_copy_if (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | remove_copy_if (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class Predicate > |
< InputRange >::type | remove_if (InputRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<class InputIterator , class Predicate > |
InputIterator | remove_if (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred) |
template<class ForwardRange , class T > |
void | replace (ForwardRange &range, const T &old_value, const T &new_value) |
template<class ForwardRange , class OutputIterator , class T > |
OutputIterator | replace_copy (const ForwardRange &range, OutputIterator result, const T &old_value, const T &new_value) |
template<class ForwardRange , class OutputIterator , class T > |
OutputIterator | replace_copy (ForwardRange &range, OutputIterator result, const T &old_value, const T &new_value) |
template<class ForwardRange , class OutputIterator , class Predicate , class T > |
OutputIterator | replace_copy_if (ForwardRange &range, OutputIterator result, Predicate pred, const T &new_value) |
template<class ForwardRange , class OutputIterator , class Predicate , class T > |
OutputIterator | replace_copy_if (const ForwardRange &range, OutputIterator result, Predicate pred, const T &new_value) |
template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class Predicate , class T > |
OutputIterator | replace_copy_if (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, OutputIterator result, Predicate pred, const T &new_value) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Predicate , class T > |
void | replace_if (ForwardRange &range, Predicate pred, const T &new_value) |
template<class ForwardIterator , class Predicate , class T > |
void | replace_if (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Predicate pred, const T &new_value) |
template<typename OldFormat , typename NewFormat , typename T > |
void | replace_pword (std::ios_base &iob, int idx, const T &x) |
template<typename OldFormat , typename NewFormat > |
void | replace_pword (std::ios_base &iob, int idx) |
void | report_error (const std::string &error) |
template<class BidirectionalRange > |
void | reverse (BidirectionalRange &range) |
template<class BidirectionalRange , class OutputIterator > |
void | reverse_copy (const BidirectionalRange &range, OutputIterator result) |
template<class BidirectionalRange , class OutputIterator > |
void | reverse_copy (BidirectionalRange &range, OutputIterator result) |
template<typename I > |
std::pair< I, I > | reverse_until (I f, I m, I l) |
int | right (const place_data_t &place_data) |
template<typename I > |
std::pair< I, I > | rotate (I f, I m, I l) |
template<typename I > |
std::pair< I, I > | rotate (I f, I m, I l, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag) |
double | round_half_up (double x) |
float | round_half_up (float x) |
widget_node_t | row_factory (const dictionary_t ¶meters, const widget_node_t &parent, const factory_token_t &token, const widget_factory_t &factory) |
template<typename R , typename T > |
bool | runtime_cast (const T &x, R &r) |
template<typename R , typename T > |
R | runtime_cast (T *x) |
template<typename R , typename T > |
R | runtime_cast (T &x) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardRange2 > |
< ForwardRange1 >::type | search (ForwardRange1 &range1, const ForwardRange2 &range2) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardRange2 > |
< ForwardRange1 >::type | search (const ForwardRange1 &range1, const ForwardRange2 &range2) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardRange2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange1 >::type | search (const ForwardRange1 &range1, const ForwardRange2 &range2, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class ForwardIterator1 , class ForwardIterator2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
ForwardIterator1 | search (ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1, ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2 last2, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardRange2 , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange1 >::type | search (ForwardRange1 &range1, const ForwardRange2 &range2, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Size , class T > |
< ForwardRange >::type | search_n (ForwardRange &range, Size count, const T &value) |
template<class ForwardIterator , class Size , class T , class BinaryPredicate > |
ForwardIterator | search_n (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Size count, const T &value, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Size , class T , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange >::type | search_n (const ForwardRange &range, Size count, const T &value, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Size , class T > |
< ForwardRange >::type | search_n (const ForwardRange &range, Size count, const T &value) |
template<class ForwardRange , class Size , class T , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange >::type | search_n (ForwardRange &range, Size count, const T &value, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
T & | select_1 (T &a, T &b, T &c, R r) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | select_1 (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, R r) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
T & | select_1_ab (T &a, T &b, T &c, R r) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | select_1_ab (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, R r) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
T & | select_1_ac (T &a, T &b, T &c, R r) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const T & | select_1_ac (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, R r) |
template<typename Selection , typename ForwardRange , typename OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | selection_copy (const Selection &x, const ForwardRange &range, OutputIterator output) |
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename O , typename C > |
O | selection_difference (S1 s1_first, S1 s1_last, S2 s2_first, S2 s2_last, O output, C comp, bool s1_inside=false, bool s2_inside=false) |
template<typename Selection1 , typename Selection2 > |
Selection1 | selection_difference (const Selection1 &x, const Selection2 &y) |
template<typename Selection > |
std::pair< typename
< Selection >::type, typename
boost::range_size< Selection >
::type > | selection_find_boundary (const Selection &selection, typename Selection::size_type p, std::random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename Selection > |
std::pair< typename
< Selection >::type, typename
boost::range_size< Selection >
::type > | selection_find_boundary (const Selection &selection, typename Selection::size_type p, std::forward_iterator_tag) |
template<typename Selection > |
std::pair< typename
< Selection >::type, typename
boost::range_size< Selection >
::type > | selection_find_boundary (const Selection &selection, typename Selection::size_type p) |
template<typename Selection , typename ForwardRange , typename UnaryFunction > |
UnaryFunction | selection_foreach (const Selection &x, const ForwardRange &range, UnaryFunction proc) |
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename C > |
bool | selection_includes (S1 s1_first, S1 s1_last, S2 s2_first, S2 s2_last, C comp, bool s1_inside=false, bool s2_inside=false) |
template<typename Selection1 , typename Selection2 > |
bool | selection_includes (const Selection1 &x, const Selection2 &y) |
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename O , typename C > |
O | selection_intersection (S1 s1_first, S1 s1_last, S2 s2_first, S2 s2_last, O output, C comp, bool s1_inside=false, bool s2_inside=false) |
template<typename Selection1 , typename Selection2 > |
Selection1 | selection_intersection (const Selection1 &x, const Selection2 &y) |
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename O , typename P , typename C > |
O | selection_operation (S1 s1_first, S1 s1_last, S2 s2_first, S2 s2_last, O output, bool s1_inside, bool s2_inside, P pred, C comp) |
template<typename S , typename O , typename P > |
O | selection_operation_remainder (S first, S last, O output, bool this_inside, bool other_inside, P pred) |
template<typename Selection , typename ForwardRange , typename O1 , typename O2 > |
std::pair< O1, O2 > | selection_partition_copy (const Selection &selection, ForwardRange &range, O1 false_output, O2 true_output) |
template<typename Selection , typename ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | selection_stable_partition (const Selection &selection, ForwardRange &range) |
template<typename SelectionIterator , typename RangeIterator > |
RangeIterator | selection_stable_partition (SelectionIterator selection_first, SelectionIterator selection_last, RangeIterator first, RangeIterator range_first, RangeIterator range_last, std::size_t boundary_count=0) |
template<typename Selection , typename ForwardRange > |
std::pair< typename
< ForwardRange >::type,
typename boost::range_iterator
< ForwardRange >::type > | selection_stable_partition_about (const Selection &selection, ForwardRange &range, std::size_t p, typename boost::range_size< Selection >::type prior_boundary_count=0) |
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename O , typename C > |
O | selection_symmetric_difference (S1 s1_first, S1 s1_last, S2 s2_first, S2 s2_last, O output, C comp, bool s1_inside=false, bool s2_inside=false) |
template<typename Selection1 , typename Selection2 > |
Selection1 | selection_symmetric_difference (const Selection1 &x, const Selection2 &y) |
template<typename Selection , typename OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | selection_to_index_set (const Selection &selection, typename boost::range_size< Selection >::type max_index, OutputIterator output) |
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename O , typename C > |
O | selection_union (S1 s1_first, S1 s1_last, S2 s2_first, S2 s2_last, O output, C comp, bool s1_inside=false, bool s2_inside=false) |
template<typename Selection1 , typename Selection2 > |
Selection1 | selection_union (const Selection1 &x, const Selection2 &y) |
const layout_attributes_t & | separator_layout_attributes () |
template<class SM > |
void | sequence_model_clear (SM &v) |
template<class SM > |
void | sequence_model_erase (SM &v, const vector< typename sequence_model_key_type< SM >::type > &x) |
template<class SM > |
void | set (SM &v, typename sequence_model_key_type< SM >::type key, const typename sequence_model_value_type< SM >::type &x) |
void | set_array_function_lookup_to (virtual_machine_t &machine, const virtual_machine_t::array_function_lookup_t &proc) |
void | set_control_enabled (HWND control, bool make_enabled) |
void | set_control_visible (HWND control, bool make_visible) |
void | set_dictionary_function_lookup_to (virtual_machine_t &machine, const virtual_machine_t::dictionary_function_lookup_t &proc) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | set_difference (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | set_difference (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | set_difference (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
void | set_error_handler (const error_handler_proc_t &proc) |
template<::EventParamName name, typename T > |
bool | set_event_parameter (::EventRef the_event, const T &value,::EventParamType type=event_param_type< T >::value) |
void | set_font (HWND window, int uxtheme_type) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | set_intersection (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | set_intersection (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | set_intersection (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result) |
void | set_margin (layout_attributes_t &container, int x) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | set_symmetric_difference (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | set_symmetric_difference (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | set_symmetric_difference (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | set_union (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputRange2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | set_union (const InputRange1 &range1, const InputRange2 &range2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator , class Compare > |
OutputIterator | set_union (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp) |
template<typename T > |
void | set_user_reference (HWND control, T data) |
template<typename Selection > |
boost::range_size< Selection >
::type | size (const Selection &x) |
template<typename Selection , typename ForwardRange > |
boost::range_size< Selection >
::type | size (const Selection &x, const ForwardRange &range) |
template<typename R , typename C , typename P > |
void | sort (R &r, C c, P p) |
template<class RandomAccessRange , class Compare > |
void | sort (RandomAccessRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<typename I , typename C , typename P > |
void | sort (I f, I l, C c, P p) |
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Compare > |
void | sort (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<class RandomAccessRange > |
void | sort (RandomAccessRange &range) |
template<class RandomAccessRange > |
void | sort_heap (RandomAccessRange &range) |
template<class RandomAccessRange , class Compare > |
void | sort_heap (RandomAccessRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Compare > |
void | sort_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<typename I > |
I | sorted (I f, I l) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
I | sorted (I f, I l, O o) |
template<class BidirectionalIterator , class Predicate > |
BidirectionalIterator | stable_partition (BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, Predicate pred) |
template<class BidirectionalRange , class Predicate > |
< BidirectionalRange >::type | stable_partition (BidirectionalRange &range, Predicate pred) |
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Compare > |
void | stable_sort (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) |
template<class RandomAccessRange , class Compare > |
void | stable_sort (RandomAccessRange &range, Compare comp) |
template<class RandomAccessRange > |
void | stable_sort (RandomAccessRange &range) |
template<typename Selection > |
bool | start_selected (const Selection &x) |
name_t | state_cell_unique_name () |
template<typename T > |
token_range_t | static_token_range (T *begin) |
int | strcmp (const char *x, const char *y) |
template<typename T > |
void | swap (circular_queue< T > &, circular_queue< T > &) |
template<typename T > |
void | swap (forest< T > &, forest< T > &) |
template<class ForwardRange1 , class ForwardIterator2 > |
ForwardIterator2 | swap_ranges (ForwardRange1 &range1, ForwardIterator2 first2) |
void | system_beep () |
const layout_attributes_t & | tab_group_layout_attributes () |
thread_id_t | thread_id () |
double | to_base_value (double scaled_value, const unit_t &unit) |
HBITMAP | to_bitmap (const boost::gil::rgba8_image_t &image) |
::CGImageRef | to_CGImageRef (cg_image_t image) |
HCURSOR | to_cursor (HBITMAP bitmap, int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y) |
double | to_pinned_base_value (double scaled_value, const unit_t &unit, double min, double max) |
double | to_scaled_value (double base_value, const unit_t &unit) |
unit_t | to_unit (const dictionary_t &dict, const unit_t &default_unit=unit_t()) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
< is_utf8_iterator_type< I >
, O >::type | to_utf16 (I first, I last, O output) |
template<typename I > |
< is_utf8_iterator_type< I >
, boost::uint16_t >::type | to_utf16 (I first, I last) |
template<typename I > |
boost::uint32_t | to_utf32 (I first, I last) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
O | to_utf32 (I first, I last, O output) |
template<typename I , typename O > |
< is_utf16_iterator_type< I >
, O >::type | to_utf8 (I first, I last, O output) |
template<typename FactoryToken > |
assemblage_t & | token_assemblage (const FactoryToken &token) |
template<typename FactoryToken > |
behavior_t & | token_layout_behavior (const FactoryToken &token) |
template<typename FactoryToken > |
sheet_t & | token_layout_sheet (const FactoryToken &token) |
template<typename FactoryToken > |
sheet_t & | token_property_model (const FactoryToken &token) |
bool | token_range_equal (const token_range_t &x, const token_range_t &y) |
bool | token_range_less (const token_range_t &x, const token_range_t &y) |
int & | top (place_data_t &place_data) |
int | top (const place_data_t &place_data) |
template<typename I > |
I | trailing_of (I i) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator , class BinaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | transform (InputRange1 &range1, InputIterator2 first2, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator , class UnaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | transform (InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation op) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator , class UnaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | transform (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation op) |
template<class InputRange1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator , class BinaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | transform (const InputRange1 &range1, InputIterator2 first2, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator , class BinaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | transform (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op) |
template<class InputIterator , class OutputIterator , class UnaryOperation > |
OutputIterator | transform (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation op) |
template<typename Forest > |
Forest::iterator | traverse (const bitpath_t &path, Forest &f) |
template<typename Forest > |
Forest::const_iterator | traverse (const bitpath_t &path, const Forest &f) |
template<class H > |
any_regular_t | underlying_handler (H &handler) |
template<typename I , typename F > |
F | uninitialized_move (I f, I l, F r) |
template<class ForwardRange > |
< ForwardRange >::type | unique (ForwardRange &range) |
template<class ForwardRange , class BinaryPredicate > |
< ForwardRange >::type | unique (ForwardRange &range, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class ForwardIterator , class BinaryPredicate > |
ForwardIterator | unique (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | unique_copy (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator , class BinaryPredicate > |
OutputIterator | unique_copy (InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator , class BinaryPredicate > |
OutputIterator | unique_copy (const InputRange &range, OutputIterator result, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<class InputRange , class OutputIterator > |
OutputIterator | unique_copy (InputRange &range, OutputIterator result) |
template<class InputIterator , class OutputIterator , class BinaryPredicate > |
OutputIterator | unique_copy (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, BinaryPredicate pred) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T , typename C , typename P > |
I | upper_bound_n (I f, N n, const T &x, C c, P p) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T , typename C > |
I | upper_bound_n (I f, N n, const T &x, C c) |
template<typename I , typename N , typename T > |
I | upper_bound_n (I f, N n, const T &x) |
modifiers_t | value_to_modifier (const any_regular_t &modifier_set) |
template<typename T , typename O > |
< is_utf32_type< T >, O >
::type | value_to_utf16 (T code, O output) |
template<typename T , typename O > |
< is_utf32_type< T >, O >
::type | value_to_utf8 (T code, O output) |
dictionary_t | widget_metrics (const std::string &xstr) |
dictionary_t | widget_metrics (const std::string &xstr, const dictionary_t &context) |
int | width (const place_data_t &place_data) |
int & | width (place_data_t &place_data) |
const layout_attributes_t & | window_layout_attributes () |
template<typename Result , typename InputIterator > |
InputIterator | xatoi (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Result &result) |
token_range_t | xml_element_echo (const token_range_t &entire_element_range, const token_range_t &, const attribute_set_t &, const token_range_t &) |
token_range_t | xml_element_linefeed (const token_range_t &, const token_range_t &name, const attribute_set_t &attribute_set, const token_range_t &value) |
token_range_t | xml_element_strip (const token_range_t &, const token_range_t &, const attribute_set_t &, const token_range_t &value) |
element_forest_t | xml_parse_to_forest (const char *xml) |
template<typename O > |
void | xstring (const char *xstr, std::size_t n, O output) |
std::string | xstring (const char *xstr, std::size_t n) |
template<typename O > |
void | xstring (const char *xstr, O output) |
std::string | xstring (const std::string &xstr) |
void | xstring_clear_glossary () |
std::string | xstring_replace (const name_t &xstr_id, const std::string *first, const std::string *last) |
std::string | xstring_replace (const name_t &xstr_id, const std::string &marker) |
std::string | xstring_replace (const std::string &xstr, const std::string *first, const std::string *last) |
std::string | xstring_replace (const std::string &xstr, const std::string &marker) |
Variables |
aggregate_name_t | add_k |
static const aggregate_name_t | alt_name_g |
aggregate_name_t | and_k |
aggregate_name_t | array_k |
aggregate_name_t | assign_k |
aggregate_name_t | at_k |
static const aggregate_name_t | atom_name_g |
static const aggregate_name_t | bag_name_g |
aggregate_name_t | close_brace_k |
aggregate_name_t | close_bracket_k |
aggregate_name_t | close_parenthesis_k |
aggregate_name_t | colon_k |
aggregate_name_t | comma_k |
aggregate_name_t | dictionary_k |
aggregate_name_t | divide_k |
aggregate_name_t | dot_k |
aggregate_name_t | empty_k |
aggregate_name_t | eof_k |
aggregate_name_t | equal_k |
aggregate_name_t | false_k |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_file |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_file_url |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_future_file |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_image |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_invalid |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_movie |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_sound |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_text |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_text_style |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_unicode |
const boost::uint32_t | flavor_unicode_style |
aggregate_name_t | function_k |
aggregate_name_t | greater_equal_k |
aggregate_name_t | greater_k |
aggregate_name_t | identifier_k |
aggregate_name_t | ifelse_k |
aggregate_name_t | index_k |
aggregate_name_t | is_k |
aggregate_name_t | key_action |
aggregate_name_t | key_alt_text |
aggregate_name_t | key_bind |
aggregate_name_t | key_bind_additional |
aggregate_name_t | key_bind_controller |
aggregate_name_t | key_bind_group |
aggregate_name_t | key_bind_output |
aggregate_name_t | key_bind_units |
aggregate_name_t | key_bind_view |
aggregate_name_t | key_cancel |
aggregate_name_t | key_characters |
aggregate_name_t | key_class |
aggregate_name_t | key_contributing |
aggregate_name_t | key_count |
aggregate_name_t | key_custom_item_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_decimal_places |
aggregate_name_t | key_default |
aggregate_name_t | key_digits |
aggregate_name_t | key_display_disable |
aggregate_name_t | key_domain |
aggregate_name_t | key_drag_item |
aggregate_name_t | key_drag_ref |
aggregate_name_t | key_first |
aggregate_name_t | key_flavor |
aggregate_name_t | key_focus |
aggregate_name_t | key_format |
aggregate_name_t | key_grow |
aggregate_name_t | key_horizontal |
aggregate_name_t | key_identifier |
aggregate_name_t | key_image |
aggregate_name_t | key_image_disabled |
aggregate_name_t | key_image_off |
aggregate_name_t | key_image_on |
aggregate_name_t | key_increment |
aggregate_name_t | key_interval_count |
aggregate_name_t | key_is_indeterminate |
aggregate_name_t | key_is_relevance |
aggregate_name_t | key_items |
aggregate_name_t | key_last |
aggregate_name_t | key_lines |
aggregate_name_t | key_locale_decimal_point |
aggregate_name_t | key_locale_identifier |
aggregate_name_t | key_locale_thousands_separator |
aggregate_name_t | key_localization_set |
aggregate_name_t | key_max_characters |
aggregate_name_t | key_max_digits |
aggregate_name_t | key_max_value |
aggregate_name_t | key_metal |
aggregate_name_t | key_min_max_filter |
aggregate_name_t | key_min_value |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifier_command |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifier_control |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifier_option |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifier_set |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifier_shift |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers_cmd |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers_ctl |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers_ctlcmd |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers_default |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers_opt |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers_optcmd |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers_optctl |
aggregate_name_t | key_modifiers_optctlcmd |
aggregate_name_t | key_monospaced |
aggregate_name_t | key_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_offset_contents |
aggregate_name_t | key_orientation |
aggregate_name_t | key_password |
aggregate_name_t | key_popup_bind |
aggregate_name_t | key_popup_placement |
aggregate_name_t | key_popup_value |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_add_dialog_group_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_add_dialog_message |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_add_dialog_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_add_subdialog_cancel_button_alt_text |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_add_subdialog_default_preset_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_add_subdialog_ok_button_alt_text |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_category_popup_alt_text |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_category_popup_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_custom_category_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_delete_dialog_message |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_delete_dialog_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_delete_subdialog_cancel_button_alt_text |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_delete_subdialog_ok_button_alt_text |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_file_extension |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_items |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_menu_item_add_preset |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_menu_item_append_preset |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_menu_item_delete_preset |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_preset_popup_alt_text |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_preset_popup_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_subdialog_cancel_button_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_subdialog_ok_button_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_top_folder_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_user_preset_list_empty_warning |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_user_presets_category_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_preset_value |
aggregate_name_t | key_scale |
aggregate_name_t | key_scrollable |
aggregate_name_t | key_short_name |
aggregate_name_t | key_size |
aggregate_name_t | key_slider_point |
aggregate_name_t | key_slider_ticks |
aggregate_name_t | key_target |
aggregate_name_t | key_touch |
aggregate_name_t | key_touched |
aggregate_name_t | key_trailing_zeroes |
aggregate_name_t | key_units |
aggregate_name_t | key_value |
aggregate_name_t | key_value_off |
aggregate_name_t | key_value_on |
aggregate_name_t | key_vertical |
aggregate_name_t | key_wrap |
aggregate_name_t | keyword_k |
aggregate_name_t | lead_comment_k |
aggregate_name_t | less_equal_k |
aggregate_name_t | less_k |
aggregate_name_t | modulus_k |
aggregate_name_t | multiply_k |
aggregate_name_t | name_button |
aggregate_name_t | name_checkbox |
aggregate_name_t | name_dialog |
aggregate_name_t | name_display_number |
aggregate_name_t | name_edit_number |
aggregate_name_t | name_edit_text |
aggregate_name_t | name_group |
aggregate_name_t | name_image |
aggregate_name_t | name_label |
aggregate_name_t | name_link |
aggregate_name_t | name_list |
aggregate_name_t | name_message |
aggregate_name_t | name_optional |
aggregate_name_t | name_palette |
aggregate_name_t | name_panel |
aggregate_name_t | name_popup |
aggregate_name_t | name_popup_cluster |
aggregate_name_t | name_progress_bar |
aggregate_name_t | name_radio_button |
aggregate_name_t | name_separator |
aggregate_name_t | name_size_group |
aggregate_name_t | name_slider |
aggregate_name_t | name_tab_group |
aggregate_name_t | name_toggle |
aggregate_name_t | not_equal_k |
aggregate_name_t | not_k |
aggregate_name_t | number_k |
aggregate_name_t | open_brace_k |
aggregate_name_t | open_bracket_k |
aggregate_name_t | open_parenthesis_k |
aggregate_name_t | or_k |
aggregate_name_t | question_k |
aggregate_name_t | semicolon_k |
static const aggregate_name_t | seq_name_g |
aggregate_name_t | string_k |
aggregate_name_t | subtract_k |
aggregate_name_t | to_k |
aggregate_name_t | trail_comment_k |
aggregate_name_t | true_k |
aggregate_name_t | unary_negate_k |
aggregate_name_t | variable_k |
Compatibility |
Compatibility features for C99/TR1 <cmath> .
typedef Float | double_t |
typedef Float | float_t |
double | round (double x) |
float | round (float x) |
long | lround (double x) |
long | lround (float x) |
double | trunc (double x) |
float | trunc (float x) |