Adobe Systems Incorporated

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
adam_callback_suite_tCallback class for the Adam parser
aggregate_pair< T1, T2 >
aligned_storage< T >
always_true< T >
any_bidirectional_iterator_instance< V, R, D >
any_bidirectional_iterator_interface< V, R, D >
any_iteratorAn iterator wrapping another iterator of the same element type; a "polymorphic" iterator
any_random_access_iterator_instance< V, R, D >
any_random_access_iterator_interface< V, R, D >
any_regular_tA runtime polymorphic type similar to boost::any which can hold any type which models Regular
attribute_set_tAn associated array based on adobe::token_range_t. A utility class for the xml_parser_t
auto_ptr< X, Traits >The adobe::auto_ptr<> template adds a number of extensions to std::auto_ptr<>
auto_resource< X, Traits >The template class auto_resource< X, Traits > provides similar functionality to auto_ptr for resources for which the pointer is opaque refered to by a non-pointer type
back_move_iterator< C >Similar to std::back_insert_iterator but with move semantics, for movable types, otherwise with copy semantics
bad_castAn exception class thrown during ASL failures to cast
basic_bounded_width< charT, traits >
basic_format< T >
basic_omanipulator< ArgumentType, charT, traits >
basic_omanipulator2< ArgumentType1, ArgumentType2, charT, traits >
begin_atom< T >
bidirectional_iter< V, R, D >
binary_compose< F, G, H >
bitwise_and< T >operator() returns x & y
bitwise_or< T >operator() returns x | y
bitwise_xor< T >operator() returns x ^ y
button_tButton widget
capture_allocator< T >
capture_allocator< void >
chain< ArgStreamFirst, ArgStreamSecond >Chain 2 arg_streams together by calling the first stream until depleted, then calling the second
checkbox_tCheckbox widget
child_adaptor< Forest >
child_iterator< I >An iterator used to traverse the children of a specific node in a forest
circular_queue< T >A queue with a fixed capacity which supports putting back elements. Pushing more elements than there is capacity will pop the least recently pushed elements
dirty_value< T >::cleaner
closed_hash_map< Key, T, Hash, Pred, A >A hash based associative container
closed_hash_set< T, KeyTransform, Hash, Pred, A >A hash based associative container
closer_predicate< T >
vector< T, A >::header_t::compact_header_t
closed_hash_set< T, KeyTransform, Hash, Pred, A >::header_t::compact_header_t
compare_members_t< T, R, Compare >Utility class for adobe::compare_members
function< R()>::concept_t
const_once_name_tUtility wrapper to construct name_t without initializing the string pointer
constructor< T >
controller_model_type< C >
controller_model_type< adobe::image_t >
controller_model_type< image_t >
controller_model_type< poly_controller_t >
controller_model_type< preview_t >
ControllerConcept< T >
ControllerConcept< T * >
copy_on_write< T, A >A copy-on-write wrapper for any model of Regular
copy_sink< T, U, R >Copy_sink and move_sink are used to select between overloaded operations according to whether type T is movable and convertible to type U
copyable"Handle" class used in poly<copyable> implementation
counter_tA thread safe counter
dancing_linksAn optimized implementation of the 1-cover problem [class under review]
debounce_t< ModeType >Utility class to short-circuit feedback issues with model-view-controller systems
dec< T >Operator-- wrapped in a function object
delete_arrayA function object for type T that invokes delete[] on an array of T
delete_ptrA function object for type T that invokes delete on a T*
delete_ptr_trait< T * >
delete_ptr_trait< T(*)[]>
depth_fullorder_cursorAn iterator-like type for the depth-tracked traversal of a forest
depth_fullorder_iterator< I >
dictionary_arg_stream< Dictionary, InputRange, NoThrow >Dictionary_arg_stream implements the arg_stream interface
dictionary_arg_stream< Dictionary, InputRange, std::nothrow_t >
dictionary_arg_stream_base< Dictionary, InputRange, NoThrow >
dirty_value< T >
display_compositor_t< Control, UserData >
display_number_tDisplay number view
dnd_converter_dest_type< Converter >
dnd_converter_source_type< Converter >
drag_and_drop_handler< SourceType, TargetType >
drag_and_drop_handler_platform_data< SourceType, TargetType >
DragAndDropConverterConcept< DragAndDropConverter >DragAndDropConverter concept requirement
DragAndDropConverterConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< DragAndDropConverter > >
edge_iterator< I, Edge >An iterator used to traverse a specific edge type within a forest
edit_number_tEdit number widget
edit_text_tEdit text widget
element< N, T >
element< 0, pair< T1, T2 > >
element< 0, std::pair< T1, T2 > >
element< 1, pair< T1, T2 > >
element< 1, std::pair< T1, T2 > >
empty_base< Derived >
empty_base_t< Derived >
empty_ptr< T * >
empty_ptr< T(*)[]>
empty_tAn empty regular- and less-than-comparable- type
endian_swap< SourceEndian >
equivalent< O >
eve_tEve engine
extents_slices_tA utility class for referencing the two slices of a extents_t
extents_tAn intrinsic geometry class for objects with a graphical representation
file_slurp< T >
filter_fullorder_cursorAn iterator-like type for fullorder (pre- and post-order) traversal of a forest
filter_fullorder_iterator< I, P >
force_relayout_view_adaptor< View >
forest< T >A homogeneous hierarchical structure class
function< R()>
function_pack_tContainer class to unify a collecton of functions under the same function signature.This class will collect registered functions by one of two methods: as functions with named or unnamed arguments. If the former, the function is then invoked with an array_t containing arguments in the order in which they should be passed to the original function. If the latter, the function is invoked with an dictionary_t containing arguments bound to keys that match those required by the function
function_traits< boost::function< F > >
function_traits< R(&)()>
function_traits< R(&)(A1)>
function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2)>
function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3)>
function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3, A4)>
function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)>
function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)>
function_traits< R(&)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)>
function_traits< R()>
function_traits< R(*)()>
function_traits< R(*)(A1)>
function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2)>
function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3)>
function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4)>
function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)>
function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)>
function_traits< R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)>
function_traits< R(A1)>
function_traits< R(A1, A2)>
function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3)>
function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3, A4)>
function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)>
function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)>
function_traits< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)>
function_traits< R(A1::*)() const >
function_traits< R(A1::*)()>
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2) const >
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2)>
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3) const >
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3)>
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4) const >
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4)>
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5) const >
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5)>
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) const >
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)>
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) const >
function_traits< R(A1::*)(A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)>
generator_t< Result >A function object for value generation within a domain
get_element< N, T >
get_element< 0, pair< T1, T2 > >
get_element< 0, std::pair< T1, T2 > >
get_element< 1, pair< T1, T2 > >
get_element< 1, std::pair< T1, T2 > >
group_tGroup container widget
with_transform< ArgStream, Transformer >::has_entry_if_has_inverse_lookup< Class, R, bool >
with_transform< ArgStream, Transformer >::has_entry_if_has_inverse_lookup< Class, R, true >
has_eof_member< T >
has_get_dictionary_entry_function< Dictionary, Key, R >
has_get_dictionary_entry_template< Dictionary, Key >
with_transform< ArgStream, Transformer >::has_inverse_lookup< Class >
has_nothrow_constructor< adobe::version_1::closed_hash_map< Key, T, Hash, Pred, A > >
has_nothrow_constructor< adobe::version_1::closed_hash_set< T, KeyTransform, Hash, Pred, A > >
has_nothrow_constructor< adobe::version_1::string16_t >
has_nothrow_constructor< adobe::version_1::string_t >
with_transform< ArgStream, Transformer >::has_transform< Class, R >
has_trivial_constructor< adobe::version_1::empty_t >
has_trivial_destructor< adobe::version_1::empty_t >
has_type_type< T >T::type a valid type (or a compile error?)
hash_index< T, H, C, P >
identity< T >
identity_element< Op >
identity_element< std::multiplies< T > >Specialization of identity_element for std::multiplies<T>
identity_element< std::plus< T > >Specialization of identity_element for std::plus<T>
type_or_default< T, Default >::if_has_type< condition, IFtype, ELSEtype >
type_or_default< T, Default >::if_has_type< false, IFtype, ELSEtype >
if_range_base< NoThrow, isRange >
if_range_base< std::nothrow_t, false >
if_range_base< void, false >
if_range_base< void, true >
if_range_else_key< NoThrow, Dictionary, T >
image_tImage widget
inc< T >Operator++ wrapped in a function object
index_iterator< F, T, R, I, D >An iterator over elements which are the result of applying a function to an index
indirect< T >
indirect_tAdapter used to convert pointers to references
invoker< F, From, To >
invoker< F, To, To >
is_convertible< T, U >
is_empty< adobe::version_1::empty_t >
is_member< I, O >
is_movable< T >The is_movable trait can be used to identify movable types
is_movable< copy_on_write< T, A > >
is_pod< adobe::name_t >
is_pod< adobe::version_1::empty_t >
is_range< T >Does T model the boost::range concepts?
is_range_for_dictionary< Dictionary, Range >
iter< V, R, D >
key_type< Dictionary, DefaultKey, false >
key_type< Dictionary, DefaultKey, true >
KeyHandlerConcept< Handler >
label_tLabel widget
layout_attributes_alignment_tA utility class for referencing the alignment characteristics in layout_attributes_t
layout_attributes_tLayout data interface from the client to the engine
less< adobe::version_1::type_info_t >Compares the x and y. Returns true if x precedes y in the implementationís collation order
lex_token_t< E >
line_position_tA type detailing parser position information
link_tLink widget
logical_xor< C1, C2 >Xor funtion object
make_type_info< T, Any >
make_type_info< const T0[Size], Any >
make_type_info< T0[Size], Any >
md5_tMD5 hash generator
mem_data_t< T, R >Adaptor similar to boost::mem_fn() used by boost::bind
mem_data_t< const T, R >
member_test_helper< size_t >
metric_extractor_tUtility class to access widget metrics for the Macintosh
function< R()>::model< T >
move_from< T >Move_from is used for move_ctors
move_sink< T, U, R >Move_sink and copy_sink are used to select between overloaded operations according to whether type T is movable and convertible to type U
my_class_tA one-line synopsis of what the class does
name_tA character string class for immutable strings
nearest_cast_fn< A, R >
nearest_cast_fn< A, double >
nearest_cast_fn< A, float >
nonargEmpty-set arg stream has no arguments. Not sure what this might be useful for
notify_on_write< T, Notifier >
null_output_iterator_tA stub iterator that models OutputIterator and outputs nothing
optimized_storage_type< ConcreteType, Interface >Authors of adobe::poly concept representatives must derive their instance class from this. See of adobe::poly_placeable_instance, for example. This metafunction is used in the implementation of the small storage optimization
optional_panel_tOptional panel container widget
pair< T1, T2 >
panel_tPanel container widget
place_data_tLayout data interface from the engine to the client
placeableRepresentative of adobe::PlaceableConcept so that placeable models adobe::PlaceableConcept when T does
PlaceableConcept< T >Concept map and constraints checking for the Placeable concept
PlaceableConcept< T * >Concept map and constraints checking for to allow boost::reference_wrapper<T> to model this concept when T does
PlaceableTwoPassConcept< T >Concept map and constraints checking for the PlaceableTwoPass concept
PlaceableTwoPassConcept< T * >Concept map and constraints checking for to allow boost::reference_wrapper<T> to model this concept when T does
plus_asymmetric< T1, T2 >Plus function object whose arguments may be of different type
point_2d< T >
pointer_to< T >
pointer_to_ternary_function< T, U, V, R >
poly< F >adobe::poly<foo> will be a runtime polymorphic value type wrapper modelling a concept represented by foo
poly_base< I, Instance >Authors of a Concept representative F, intended as a template parameter to adobe::poly, will inherit from adobe::poly_base. The first template parameter for adobe::poly_base provides the virtual interface for the concept representative. The second template parameter for adobe::poly_base must inherit from the Concept interface representative. The author's third duty is to provide forwarding functions in a their Concept representative. See the placeable_concept.hpp header file for details
poly_controller_instance< T >
poly_copyable_instance< T >Implementation of a trivial poly interface in terms of types modeling Copyable . Used in poly<copyable> implementation
poly_copyable_interfaceAbstract interface providing signatures needed to implement "handle" objects modeling a Value (Copyable/Movable) concept. Authors of adobe::poly classes must derive their interfaces from this. See adobe::poly_placeable_interface for an example
poly_drag_and_drop_converter_instance< T >
poly_iterator_instance< V, R, D >
poly_iterator_interface< V, R, D >
poly_key_handler_instance< T >
poly_placeable_instance< T >Implementation of virtual interface for the poly<placeable> modeling adobe::PlaceableConcept
poly_placeable_interfacePure virtual interface for the poly<placeable> modeling adobe::PlaceableConcept
poly_placeable_twopass_instance< T >Implementation of virtual interface for the poly<placeable_twopass> modeling adobe::PlaceableTwoPassConcept
poly_placeable_twopass_interfacePure virtual interface for poly<placeable_twopass> modeling adobe::PlaceableTwoPassConcept
poly_regular_instance< T >Implementation of a trivial poly interface in terms of types modeling regular . Used in poly<regular> implementation
poly_regular_interfaceVirtual interface for RegularConcept. Used in poly<regular> implementation
poly_sequence_controller< T >
poly_sequence_controller_instance< T >Poly_ instance for implementations that model the SequenceController concept
poly_sequence_controller_interface< T >Poly_ holder for implementations that model the SequenceController concept
poly_sequence_model< T >
poly_sequence_model_instance< T >Poly_ instance for implementations that model the SequenceModel concept
poly_sequence_model_interface< T >Poly_ concept for implementations that model the SequenceModel concept
poly_sequence_view< T >
poly_sequence_view_instance< T >Poly_ instance for implementations that model the SequenceView concept
poly_sequence_view_interface< T >Poly_ concept for implementations that model the SequenceView concept
poly_view_instance< T >Implementation of poly_view_interface in terms of types modeling ViewConcept . Used in poly<view> implementation
poly_view_interfaceVirtual interface for ViewConcept. Used in poly<view> implementation
popup_tPopup widget
presets_tPresets widget
preview_tPreview widget
progress_bar_tProgress bar widget
promote< T >A struct for compile-time type promotion
promote< aggregate_name_t >
promote< const char * >
promote< float >
promote< int >
promote< long >
promote< short >
promote< static_name_t >
promote< std::string >
promote< unsigned int >
promote< unsigned long >
promote< unsigned short >
ptr_traits< auto_ptr< T, Traits > >
ptr_traits< auto_resource< T, Traits > >
ptr_traits< std::auto_ptr< T > >
ptr_traits< T * >This section defines requirements on classes representing pointer traits. The template class ptr_traits< ptrT > is defined along with several specializations
ptr_traits< T(*)[]>
radio_button_tRadio button widget
random_access_iter< V, R, D >
ptr_traits< T * >::rebind< U >
ptr_traits< std::auto_ptr< T > >::rebind< U >
ptr_traits< T(*)[]>::rebind< U >
capture_allocator< void >::rebind< U >
capture_allocator< T >::rebind< U >
regular"Handle" class used in poly<regular> implementation
RegularConcept< T >
adam_callback_suite_t::relation_tStruct containing details of a relation expression for client callbacks from the Adam parser
sheet_t::relation_tAdam support class for related relationships
remove_cv_ref< T >
result_type< F >Result_type<F>::type is the return type of the function f
reveal_tReveal widget
reverse_fullorder_cursorAn iterator-like type for reverse fullorder (pre- and post-order) traversal of a forest
reverse_fullorder_iterator< I >
rset< Type1, Type2, Type1Equality, Type2Equality >A bidirectional lookup table intended for a small set of elements
runtime_cast_t< R, T >
runtime_cast_t< R, any_regular_t * >
runtime_cast_t< R, any_regular_t >
runtime_cast_t< R, auto_ptr< T, Traits > >
runtime_cast_t< R, auto_resource< T, Traits > >
runtime_cast_t< R, const any_regular_t * >
runtime_cast_t< R, const any_regular_t >
runtime_cast_t< R, std::auto_ptr< T > >
segmented_iterator< I >
select< T >
selection_tA container used to represent a linear boolean selection
separator_tSeparator widget
sequence_controller< T >Poly_ holder for implementations that model the SequenceController concept
sequence_controller_value_type< SequenceController >SequenceController concept requirement
sequence_key< T >
sequence_model< T >
sequence_model_base< T >Poly_ holder for implementations that model the SequenceModel concept
sequence_model_demultiplexer< T >
sequence_model_key_type< SequenceModel >SequenceModel concept requirement
sequence_model_multiplexer< T >
sequence_model_value_type< SequenceModel >SequenceModel concept requirement
sequence_t< T >A function object for sequence generation within a domain
sequence_view< T >Poly_ holder for implementations that model the SequenceView concept
sequence_view_cow_value_type< SequenceView >
sequence_view_key_type< SequenceView >SequenceView concept requirement
sequence_view_multiplexer< T >
sequence_view_value_type< SequenceView >
SequenceControllerConcept< SequenceController >SequenceController concept requirement
SequenceControllerConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< T > >
SequenceModelConcept< SequenceModel >SequenceModel concept requirement
SequenceModelConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< T > >
SequenceViewConcept< SequenceView >View concept for sequences
SequenceViewConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< T > >
set_monitor_tAdam support class
set_next_fn< child_iterator< I > >
sha1_tA bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm
sha224_tA bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-224 Secure Hash Algorithm
sha256_tA bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm
sha384_tA bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-384 Secure Hash Algorithm
sha512_tA bit-oriented implementation of the SHA-512 Secure Hash Algorithm
sheet_tThe fundamental data structure for the Property Model engine
short_name< T >
signature< F >Returns the function signature of the callable object type F
signature< boost::function< F > >
single< T >Holds a single value, and returns it as an arg n (default 1) times
place_data_t::slice_tElement geometry for a single orientation of place_data_t
layout_attributes_t::slice_tPlaceable object geometry for a single orientation of layout_attributes_t
extents_t::slice_tA class containing element geometry for a single orientation
slider_tSlider widget
splitter_controller_adaptor< ModelType >
static_name_tUtility wrapper to construct name_t with strings of static storage duration
static_table< KeyType, ValueType, Size, Traits >A simple lookup table of fixed size. [under review]
static_table_traits< KeyType, ValueType >A traits class for use with adobe::static_table
step_iterator_adaptor< DERIVED, IT, S_FN >Step iterator adaptor
stream_error_tAn exception class thrown during parsing failures
string16_tLightweight string class designed to hold UTF16 strings in fixed binary structure
string_tLightweight string class designed to hold UTF8 strings in fixed binary structure
tab_group_tTab group container widget
tab_group_t::tab_tTab structure
table_index< Key, T, Transform, Compare >Utility class for indexing objects based on specific member variable values
ternary_function< T, U, V, R >
timer_tA class for measuring periods of elapsed time. Can also accrue split times for some basic statistical reporting
toggle_tToggle widget
traits< T >Defines any traits that help with the implementation of arg_stream::call() and/or helper objects like arg_stream::chain
traits< chain< S1, S2 > >
traits< nonarg >
traits< single< T > >
transformFunction object used in binding for instance value access
any_regular_t::transform< T >Function object used in binding for instance value access
transposer< F >
poly_sequence_model_instance< T >::type< V >
poly_sequence_controller_instance< T >::type< V >
poly_iterator_instance< V, R, D >::type< I >
any_random_access_iterator_instance< V, R, D >::type< I >
poly_sequence_view_instance< T >::type< V >
any_bidirectional_iterator_instance< V, R, D >::type< I >
type_info_tPartial re-implementation of standard type_info
type_or_default< T, Default >
unary_compose< F, G >
value_iterator< I, F >
vector< T, A >
view"Handle" class used in poly<view> implementation
view_model_type< View >
view_model_type< adobe::image_t >
view_model_type< image_t >
view_model_type< preview_t >
ViewConcept< T >
ViewConcept< boost::reference_wrapper< T > >
window_tWindow container widget
with_transform< ArgStream, Transformer >
xml_parser_t< O >A relatively lightweight and simple xml (subset) parser
xstring_context_tScope-based runtime context stack for glossary lookups
zuid_tUUID-like identifier generator

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