Glossary of TermsAABIApplication Binary Interface. The assembly-level specification for how functions are to interact with one another (pass parameters, parameter ordering, type size specifications, etc.) adobe::adobe::array_tadobe::array_t is a copy-on-write vector of values. adobe::auto_ptradobe::auto_ptr is an improved auto_ptr class and auto_resource for managing non-pointer referenced resources.adobe::dictionary_tadobe::dictionary_tis a copy-on-write name/value associative container (this is great for messaging.) adobe::finaladobe::final is a mix-in class to ensure that a class cannot be derived from. From Doug Ahmann. adobe::forestadobe::forest is a hierarchical container class. adobe::name_tadobe::name_t is an efficient string class for simple, non-mutable, character strings. APIApplication Programming Interface. The C or C++ header file that describes the functions available to you in the DLL (or other code block). Bbjambjam is an executable component of the Boost Build system version 2 (BBv2). BBv2 is used for building the web_sourcelibrary and the necessary components of the boost libraries. See Build Instructions for more informoration. Cclass invariants(Also see invariant.) A class invariant expresses constraints that must always hold true of any object of that class (except, possibly, during the course of a method invocation on the class). Class invariants behave like postconditions - the child's invariant must imply the parent's invariant. Ddiscriminated types A generic (in the sense of general as opposed to template-based programming) concept of types that contain values of different types but do not attempt conversion between them, i.e. 5 is held strictly as an int and is not implicitly convertible either to "5" or to 5.0. Their indifference to interpretation but awareness of type effectively makes them safe, generic containers of single values, with no scope for surprises from ambiguous conversions. (taken from a defintion found at rule, such as the ordering of an ordered list or heap, that applies throughout the life of a data structure (see class invariants) or procedure. Each change to the data structure must maintain the correctness of the invariant. JKLleading edgeThe first iteration path through an adobe::forest node, contrasting to the trailing edge which is the second iteration path. MNOPpostconditionsOne or more statements of what the method guarantees to the caller after it is done. An error in a postcondition denotes an error in the method implementation. preconditionsThe set of conditions on a method that must be met to permit the method to execute correctly. Preconditions essentially capture what the method expects to be true when it is called - a violation of the precondition denotes a bug in the client of the method. projection functionA Unary Function without side effects. See TransformFunction. Also known as a project function. QRrangeA concept and associated traits and functions for handling [first, last) style ranges. Please see concept_range.reference semanticsWhen you can treat a variable as you would treat an int* regular typePlease see the related page on Regular. STtrailing edgeThe second iteration path through an adobe::forest node, contrasting to the leading edge which is the first iteration path. translation unitA source file together with all the headers and source files included via #include , less any source lines skipped by any of the conditional inclusion (#if , etc.) preprocessing directives.UVvaluePlease see the related page on Regular. value semanticsWhen you can treat a variable as you would treat an int WXYZ |