Adobe Systems, Inc.


September 15, 2007 - GIL 2.1.1 released. This is a bug fixing release and includes minor API changes to make the interfaces more consistent. Detailed release notes are available here.

June 17, 2007 - GIL 2.1 released. Added support for non-byte-aligned pixels (examples: 6-bit RGB222, or 1-bit grayscale). Detailed release notes are available here.

March 27, 2007 - Minor patch released. GIL regression test improvements. Removed any external dependencies from the regression tests. Minor bug fixes in GIL.
March 8, 2007 - GIL 2.0 Released. Major GIL release. Includes further Boost integration and improved design of channels, pixels and images. See what is new here.
January 3, 2007 - Minor patch. We added back the ability to assign a channel to a grayscale pixel and fixed some minor issues with color converted views of dynamic images.
November 7, 2006 - GIL was accepted to Boost. GIL's Boost review was successful and GIL will be part of the Boost libraries. It will most likely first appear in the 1.35 version of Boost. In the future our web page will continue to provide you with the latest improvements to GIL, as we have the flexibility to release more frequently than Boost.
October 20, 2006 - Posted code example files and regression tests. Code sample files and regression tests can now be obtained from the download page. We also added a minor update to GIL core
October 2, 2006 - Added the first version of the numeric extension. The numeric extension provides some basic image processing algorithms, such as convolution and resampling. Various other minor channges to GIL include introduction of pixel traits, consistent use of MPL predicates and standardized template parameter names.
September 20, 2006 - Color conversion improvemenents. GIL now allows users to overload the default color conversion with one of their own. A new section in the design guide describes how to do that.
August 29, 2006 - GIL version 1.01 is posted. Pixel dereference adaptors are introduced. The locator concepts/models are made more generic. It is now easier to construct virtual image views. An example of creating the Mandelbrot set is described in the tutorial.
June 27, 2006 - A GIL Flash presentation is posted.
June 14, 2006 - GIL homepage goes live.

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