Adobe Systems Incorporated

Tutorial Template
[Templates for Documentation]

Getting Started

Notes on Implementation

  • When you go to instantiate this template, make sure you change the ingroup command to join this template in the asl_tutorials group.
  • One of the best place to get examples is from the unit tests you write for your code (you are writing unit tests, aren't you?)

Tutorial Information

  • Author : ~Name~
  • Last Modified : ~Date~

Table of Contents

It serves the readers of the tutorial effectively if they can get to significant points in a tutorial quickly, especially if it is lengthy. In order to accomplish this reasonably, provide a Table of Contents with ref commands to the various sections and subsections in your tutorial. Sections should be on the first level of indentation, and subsections on the second:


  • Why is this tutorial in existence?
  • What is the goal of the tutorial?
    • If it is to provide an overview of a class, make sure most (if not all) of the functionality of the class is demonstrated.
    • If it is to achieve a purpose (e.g., how to create a new widget for the widget set), outline the steps that will be necessary to go from start to finish. These bullets should serve to be the section and/or subsection portions of the tutorial.
    • For both types of tutorial, extensive sample code should be used to demonstrate functionality.

Step 1 : Do this thing

  • What does this step do?
  • Why is this step necessary?
  • Why this step now? Could it happen in some other sequence of events?
  • Give a high-level overview of what is to be done at this step

Part 1 : Do this other thing

  • Give a high-level overview of what is to be done in this part of the step
  • Give a detailed, paragraph-based explanation of what needs to be done and why. Include inline code fragments if necessary.

Step 1 Summary : This is what you did

  • Summarize what just happened and why it was necessary
  • If possible, provide a code fragment for the sum of the parts for this step.
    • referencing one of the examples ("See \ref template_tutorial_example_1") is acceptable.


Example 1 : What this Code Demonstrates

    #include <iostream>
    int main(void)
        std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;

        return 0;
    Hello, world!

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