Adobe Systems Incorporated


Categories: functors, adaptors Component type: type


Unary_compose is a functors adaptor. If f and g are both AdaptableUnaryFunction, and if g's return type is convertible to f's argument type, then unary_compose can be used to create a function object h such that h(x) is the same as f(g(x)). [1] As with other function object adaptors, the easiest way to create a unary_compose is to use the helper function compose1. It is possible to call unary_compose's constructor directly, but there is usually no reason to do so.


Calculates the negative of the sines of the elements in a vector, where the elements are angles measured in degrees. Since the C library function sin takes its arguments in radians, this operation is the composition of three operations: negation, sin, and the conversion of degrees to radians.

vector<double> angles;
vector<double> sines;
const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
assert(sines.size() >= angles.size());
transform(angles.begin(), angles.end(), sines.begin(),
                            bind2nd(times<double>(), pi / 180.))));


Defined in the standard header functional, and in the nonstandard backward-compatibility header function.h. The unary_compose class is an SGI extension; it is not part of the C++ standard.

Template parameters

Parameter Description Default
AdaptableUnaryFunction1 The type of the first operand in the function composition operation. That is, if the composition is written f o g [1], then AdaptableUnaryFunction1 is the type of the function object f.  
AdaptableUnaryFunction2 The type of the second operand in the function composition operation. That is, if the composition is written f o g [1], then AdaptableUnaryFunction1 is the type of the function object g.  

Model of


Type requirements

AdaptableUnaryFunction1 and AdaptableUnaryFunction2 must both be models of AdaptableUnaryFunction. AdaptableUnaryFunction2::result_type must be convertible to AdaptableUnaryFunction1::argument_type.

Public base classes



Member Where defined Description
argument_type AdaptableUnaryFunction The type of the function object's argument: AdaptableUnaryFunction2::argument_type.
result_type AdaptableUnaryFunction The type of the result: AdaptableUnaryFunction1::result_type
unary_compose(const AdaptableUnaryFunction1& f,
              const AdaptableUnaryFunction2& g);
unary_compose See below.
template <class AdaptableUnaryFunction1, class AdaptableUnaryFunction2>
unary_compose<AdaptableUnaryFunction1, AdaptableUnaryFunction2> 
compose1(const AdaptableUnaryFunction1& op1, 
         const AdaptableUnaryFunction2& op2);
unary_compose See below.

New members

These members are not defined in the AdaptableUnaryFunction requirements, but are specific to unary_compose.

Member Description
unary_compose(const AdaptableUnaryFunction1& f,
              const AdaptableUnaryFunction2& g);
The constructor. Constructs a unary_compose object that represents the function object f o g. [1]
template <class AdaptableUnaryFunction1, class AdaptableUnaryFunction2>
unary_compose<AdaptableUnaryFunction1, AdaptableUnaryFunction2> 
compose1(const AdaptableUnaryFunction1& op1, 
         const AdaptableUnaryFunction2& op2);
Creates a unary_compose object. If f and g are, respectively, of classes AdaptableUnaryFunction1 and AdaptableUnaryFunction2, then compose1(f, g) is equivalent to unary_compose<AdaptableUnaryFunction1, AdaptableUnaryFunction2>(f, g), but is more convenient. This is a global function, not a member function.


[1] This operation is called function composition, hence the name unary_compose. It is often represented in mathematics as the operation f o g, where f o g is a function such that (f o g)(x) == f(g(x)). Function composition is a very important concept in algebra. It is also extremely important as a method of building software components out of other components, because it makes it possible to construct arbitrarily complicated function objects out of simple ones.

See also

The functors, binary_compose, binder1st, binder2nd.

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